by Highline | Jun 15, 2010 |
You can tell when someone uses steroids. I know several police officers who have used them and know some who probably still do so today.
I know several police officers who are lucky they were never caught committing various victimless drug felonies when they were younger adults. If they had been caught and prosecuted (like the people they continue to advocate catching and prosecuting today) they would have been felons with a lifetime federal gun possession ban. In other words, they never would be where they are today. How quickly people develop amnesia and a lack of compassion for people who do the same victimless things that they’ve done.
I find particularly amusing that some of these same officers who have committed drug felonies are some of the same individuals who were so critical of me speaking out against the injustices of the drug war. Logic: They were upset that I advocate(d) for people like them. I digress.
by Highline | Jun 14, 2010 |
1. More violence in Rochester, NH attributable to the never-ending insane drug war. A man robbed a pharmacy needing prescription drugs. Thankfully no one was hurt.
This violence could easily be avoided. So long as drug prohibition exists, opiate addicted people will lead a life of crime in order to fulfill their addictions. Sure, many of you will say “well it is their fault for using drugs in the first place”, and not want to be compassionate to these people. Not being compassionate and taking a hard-on-crime approach to this problem is why there are so many burglaries and robberies to begin with. Are you really okay with that?
On a fiscal basis alone, it would be far cheaper to offer these people treatment than it is to investigate all these crimes.
by Highline | Jun 14, 2010 |
A suspicion-less checkpoint established by the government in Holderness, NH that the founding fathers would balk at has resulted in six people being captured on alcohol and drug charges. Three of the pour souls arrested at a sobriety checkpoint were arrested for possession of an unauthorized plant. If these people had followed my following advice I’m willing to bet they never would have been arrested.
My advice when encountering the police when stopped or at one of these checkpoints is to roll your window down a half inch and give the officer your papers through the small opening. After giving the officer your papers quickly close your window and say nothing. Keep your doors locked.
Every word uttered by you in response to a question by the police officer is used by the police officer to further intensify your detention or his/her suspicion that you possess something in your vehicle that is illegal. If you keep your mouth shut (and the window) your chances of surviving without being attacked by the state increase astronomically. Also, if you had been drinking, keeping the window shut tight keeps the officer from smelling any alcohol on you in the first place.
You have no obligation to get out of the vehicle unless you are arrested. Even then you really have no obligation to get out, unless you want to avoid some brutal violence and destruction of your property.
I’ll say it again: DO NOT ENGAGE THE POLICE IN CONVERSATION! They are looking for evidence to justify taking your freedom away.
If the police respect your right to remain silent and treat you with respect, I’d strongly suggest writing a letter to their bosses to ask they be commended for their professionalism. If they react in an untoward manner, I’d strongly suggest capturing it on video and sending a letter to their bosses to complain of their thuggishness.
by Highline | Jun 13, 2010 |
Like a person confronted with an armed robber on the street demanding money and telling you the money will be used to purchase new weapons to kill people, I embarrassingly fold to the threats of the IRS they graciously sent me in the mail.
I don’t want to pay for the military to continue killing people around the world at the behest of the military industrial complex.
I don’t want to pay for the CIA screwing with other countries and people.
I don’t want to pay for the CIA KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS WITHOUT ANY SORT OF OVERSIGHT. (Didn’t people watch the Bourne Trilogy?)
But I will. I don’t want my stuff stolen and I don’t want to be hurt.
There is no difference between a person giving an armed robber money and a person giving the IRS money. Both are threatened with very real violence.
Actually, there is a difference. With an armed robber you have the option of defending yourself.
by Highline | Jun 13, 2010 |
1. The juvenile act of making a homemade explosive which harmed no one but the creator in Hudson, NH is resulting in his being charged with a crime. The kids did exactly something I did when I was younger: burn stuff, make things explode, etc. I never hurt anyone other than a few tree stumps. If I had hurt myself, should I have been charged with a crime? If the kid endangered his pal who was along for the ride to me it is a totally different story… unless the kid agreed to make the explosive and understood what was going on. See the victimless crime aspect of this?
2. The federal government cracks down and arrests 2,200 in the drug war. A complete waste of time. It will change nothing.
3. To those of you in the Keene community who are upset about outreach aimed at public education, please read this amazing letter aimed at recent government indoctrination center graduates.
4. The Hanover Police Department announces it is sending in underage operatives to Greek parties to try and crack down on alcohol consumption.