Morality Police Upset They’re Losing Funding

Well well well.  The Nashua Police have really been making their community safer.  After a massive crack down on plant possession back during the NH Liberty Forum, the case of a priest for wanting to voluntarily exchange his money for the sexual services of someone on Craigslist is once again in the news.

Investigators used an informant to post an ad offering adult services on Police said Ventura, a 31-year-old parochial vicar at St. John The Evangelist Church in Chelmsford, responded to the ad, showed up, handed over cash, and allegedly expected sex in return.

New Hampshire’s Latest Victims of Drug Prohibition

The New York University and the Chicago studies on drug addiction support the notion that drug addiction necessarily leads to predatory crime as a way of life.For most narcotic addicts, predatory crime (larceny, shoplifting, sneak thievery, burglary, embezzlement, robbery, etc.), is a necessary way of life.”

It doesn’t have to be.

Here are latest victims of New Hampshire’s failure of a drug war:


Rampant Terrorism in America

Here’s your “War on Drugs” :

But they did prevent Jonathan Whitworth from smoking the pot they found in his possession. So I guess this mission was a success.” – Radley Balko

Thoughts on the “New” “National Drug Control Policy”

It seems that the publicly funded propaganda tool known as the “Office of National Drug Control Policy” has issued its “strategy” to deal with the drug problem here in the United States.  Of course there is nothing new or novel to what the Obama Administration thinks we should be doing about drugs here in the United States.

I quote: “We have many proven methods for reducing the demand for drugs.  Keeping drugs illegal reduces their availability and lessens willingness to use them.  That is why this Administration firmly opposes the legalization of marijuana or any other illicit drug. Legalizing drugs would increase accessibility and encourage promotion and acceptance of use.  Diagnostic, laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological studies clearly indicate that marijuana use is associated with dependence, respiratory and mental illness, poor motor performance, and cognitive impairment, among other negative effects, and legalization would only exacerbate these problems.

In other words: nothing is going to change.


New Hampshire Court News to Brighten Your Day

Along the lines of what I posted last week about the New Hampshire court system teetering on the edge of disaster, the lawyer who runs the court system in New Hampshire is in the Nashua Telegraph today declaring what I believe could potentially be some excellent news:

Cutting the number of court session days could lead to an unacceptably long delay for lower-profile criminal defendants who could be released because they weren’t given a speedy trial, Broderick said.”  He also says that “You could have some lower-end people walking. I don’t say it as a threat, because it’s a very real possibility(.)”  What an excellent possibility indeed.

And by the way, these people aren’t “lower end.”  They are human beings no better than you or I.

I think by “lower-profile criminal defendants” he potentially means people who haven’t actually hurt anyone else.  What a novel idea…….  not throwing people into a human cage who haven’t actually hurt someone.