Me v. USA Update

– My Amended Complaint
– My Summons Issued To United States
– My Summons To US Proof Of Service
– United States’ Response To My Complaint

Attorney Knowlton has told me that Assistant US Attorney Emery Hurley is a pretty cool guy, so please remember the things he writes are done on behalf of his client.  The man could be a staunch civil libertarian for all we know, but his client happens to be the US of A at the moment.

CBP is hands-down the most powerful of any law enforcement agency in our country because they’re located at the border.  No one can film what they do, they “lose” exculpatory video evidence when it suits them, and with officers doing things like this, they deserve some serious enhanced public scrutiny.

If you’d like to share with me your opinions (good or bad), please feel free to do so by emailing me at bbraduma at gmail dot com.  If you’d like to do so anonymously you can easily find an anonymous email provider through Google.

Kind donations to fund the litigation can be made to the chip-in… or if you prefer the “super secret squirrel funding method,” through Bitcoin: 19vQDqJzXZWkxHTCtgpoYJwnvGYghHu4AE Where did the 5th Amendment Come From?

Instantly Safer Schools: Teacher Concealed Carry


A Texas School District has a policy allowing teachers to carry firearms.  Don’t mess with schools in Texas!


In the wake of 9/11 the United States Congress passed the Federal Flight Deck Officer program.  It was a great idea: allow professional pilots already entrusted with enormous responsibility to carry firearms while at work so that in the event of absolute catastrophe they can be the last line of defense.

The brave volunteer pilots who participate in the program are trained and managed by the TSA.  Even though the program has been intentionally stalled by both the Bush and Obama Administrations, and burdened with ridiculous regulations (such as not allowing pilots to carry holstered firearms on their person), the program remains an excellent and free deterrent to air piracy/hijacking.

Ignoring for a minute the fact that municipal school boards in New Hampshire are political subdivisions that cannot tell their licensed employees that they cannot carry firearms, why not establish a voluntary FFDO-similar program available to all publicly employed teachers in our state?

The New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council would be an ideal government agency for the General Court to task with assisting municipal school boards oversee training, compliance, and standards for public school teachers that wanted to participate.  This isn’t a suggestion to make teachers police officers.  This is a suggestion to make teachers able to protect themselves and others in the event of absolute catastrophe, just like in the air with the FFDO program.

It seems like common sense to me.

US Senate Votes To Restrict Indefinite Detention of Americans

The United States Senate has passed an amendment to Section 1021 of the NDAA that in theory would forbid the President from ordering the indefinite military detention of American citizens.  The amendment is far from perfect as the Federalist Society overviews in an excellent blog.

Being a lifelong New Hampshire resident, I find it particularly embarrassing that our own Senator Kelly Ayotte (R) (who talks a good game about our “Live Free or Die” motto) voted against this.  How can one “Live Free” when they’re subjected to indefinite military detention, on American soil, without access to the court system?

If someone proposed something like the NDAA for white men in 1950s, a visit to HUAC would have been called for.  The NKVD did this stuff, not us.  It is absolutely “Un-American” to deny the accused the right of access to the court system.

Please consider contacting Senator Ayotte to convey your thoughts about stripping Article III and the 5th Amendment from the US Constitution.

Thank you Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D) for voting for this.