Protect Your Rights At The Border

I recently was interviewed by the media regarding my attempts to force the United States Department of Homeland Security to respect the 5th Amendment at the international border.  It inspires me to re-post Attorney Paul Karl Lukacs’s blog titled “10 Reasons To Refuse Answering Questions at Passport Control.”

It is very important to defend your legal rights when traveling internationally…  so please do read this:


Give Yourself To The (Drug) War Machine


1) The “War on Drugs” is legally designed to never end, notwithstanding all the facts that it is unsupported by science.

2) The “War on Drugs” in New Hampshire, by law, is directly controlled by the United Nations.  This represents an affront to our state sovereignty.

3) The “War on Drugs” is designed to generate massive amounts of money for both the government and corporations, while people suffer from the associated disenfranchisement.

If you work in law enforcement or intelligence, use your training to investigate my claims so that you can try and prove me wrong.

(You won’t be able to.)

Questions For Law Enforcers/Drug War Supporters

Realizing that every law enforcement and intelligence agency from the FBI to the FSB now reads this blog, I have a question for the honest and good people who enforce or support the drug war:

Is it moral and ethical of you to arrest, prosecute, and imprison your people (and testify in favor of public policy indefinitely supporting the the same), while the United States Military is currently protecting the drug PRODUCERS in Afghanistan?

If the drug war was really about keeping people from using drugs, would this be official American policy?

How is that compatible with being a good person?

Have you read the Constitution?

PS New Hampshire: WMUR flatly refuses to cover the shameful judicial corruption that exists in New Hampshire. I used to trust the mainstream media, but now it’s obvious to me why people shouldn’t.

New Hampshire is home to many honorable judges. There are several that really need to be fired for, you know, corruption.

Just like in the police world, bad cops give the good a bad name.

The NH Police Academy taught me to “police (my) own,” literally. Perhaps the Judicial Branch needs the same?

Unelected Government Employees vs. The People and The Law

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.

Seems pretty straight forward to me, yet unelected employees of the political subdivision known as the University System of New Hampshire continue to maintain that college students at a publicly owned higher education institution are not really people who have rights.

I have understanding for the position USNH is in, but with all due respect, they’re wrong.

I have decided to proceed pro se against USNH’s lawsuit and I will be updating you, the public, on my effort to defend the ability to lawfully carry a firearm or knife for lawful self-defensive purposes while on property that you (the public) ostensibly own.

This now means I have “the power of the Court” to subpoena (compel) and depose (question) witnesses.  I am spending considerable time now reviewing several defense strategies and working on deciding precisely how I will use the Court’s power to once again (like with Jason Talley’s case) show you how the government (and its servants) fail to follow the rules The People have established.

Your feedback, advice, critique, and suggestions are welcome.

Stay tuned for updates.