Interview with Special Guest Tatiana Moroz

Reposted from check it out for the latest Porcfest info!

Tatiana Moroz is a singer/songwriter and a newcomer to the Porcupine Freedom Festival. She will be preforming at 5:30 on Thursday, June 21st in the Shire Society Pavilion.

Check out her web page and take a listen to her music and then come to Porcfest and see her play it live!

Here is a short Q and A with Tatiana Moroz:

1. This is your first year playing at Porcfest. What can people look
forward to as far as your performance?

I will be playing a lot of music from my new album “Love and Liberty”,
which features a lot of music that reflects my hopes for us as a
nation and for the world. I am obviously a Dylan fan, so there will
be a few covers from him including “Masters Of War” which I did as a
request for the veterans at I play alone most of the
time, so I think that creates an intimacy with the audience. I love
performing for a liberty crowd; they are so enthusiastic and the
energy is palpable. (more…)

Porcfest Chronicles

Reposted from check it out for the latest Porcfest info!

Note from JJ:

The Porcupine Freedom Festival has become a rich and diverse event with so many different speakers, panels and events.  My goal with Porcupine Chronicles is to capture and spread the message of liberty.  To share this event with the internet to both market the Free State Project and the ideas of a society free of coercion.

For the past year I have been doing something similar in Keene with my TV show.  Free Keene TV is an all volunteer TV news and commentary show broadcast on the cable access station.

The idea was to set up a studio in the Shire Society Pavilion and produce as professional looking video as possible.  Originally I was thinking about selling DVDs of the various events and burning them right there at Porcfest.  I figured that people could give the DVD to friends or family who may be interested.  And the ideas spread.  This became much to large of a task and the overhead needed was not possible.

The key is to get it published as soon as possible so the plan in now YouTube.  I want flood the internet with a slice of Porcfest and see what sort of response happens.  The files will uploaded creative commons and I encourage people to rip, remix and share.

I approached Jason and Sharon Osborne with the idea and was surprised at how much they liked it.  We started formulating a plan.  Jason already had the HD cameras from his movie shoot for Chartarum.  He bought a high-tech new TV switcher and a new high-speed laptop and the pieces were coming together.

This is going to be a massive undertaking and there is still much prep work to do.  We are still looking for sponsors to recoup some of the money spent.

FKTV – Episode 47 – June 11th, 2012

1. Area man sentenced for bizarre assualt
2. Ademo Freeman has an update regarding charges from the Chalking 8 Incident
3. Dave Ridley Reports on the logistics behind Porcfest 2012
4. Mandrik is in studio for an interview about his business and his role at Porcfest 2012