FKTV – Episode 45 – May 28th, 2012
The studio at CTV was closed so we could not do a live episode. I cut up a special mash-up of internet videos instead. Enjoy! – James
The studio at CTV was closed so we could not do a live episode. I cut up a special mash-up of internet videos instead. Enjoy! – James
1. Jared Chase and the NATO Summit in Chicago
2. Chicago Police Violence
3. Keene State College is offering two new baccalaureate degrees
4. Mitt Romney and the NH “bridge to nowhere”
5. Bob Murphy’s theories on law enforcement in a free society
6. Dave Ridley has a critique for Free Keene activists
1. The New Hampshire Attorney General found that the police slaying of Julio Angel DeJesus was justified.
2. We take a critical look at the Milgram Experiment
The Silver Circle movie is nearing it’s release date and they are looking for nominations for an outstanding female liberty activist. One of the protagonists of the movie is a character named Zoe Taylor, a liberty activist. In keeping with the spirit of this character the movie is looking to award the Zoe Taylor Award to a lady who exhibits “exceptional courage, principle and virtue.”
The award will be given to the winning candidate present at the 2012 Porcupine Freedom Festival. So nominees ought to be individuals that are certain to be there. Here is the text from the official Award page:
Send in your nominations for a female liberty activist who deserves the Zoe Taylor Award for exceptional courage, principle and virtue. Nominees must be planning to attend PorcFest in June. Registration is now open. To nominate a female activist please include her name, city, and around 300 words why she deserves the award in an email to But time is short, so don’t delay.
The Zoe Award will be presented before the screening of Silver Circle on Thursday, June 21st at 8pm in the Theater (the old Bingo Hall). We’ll be recognizing all the nominees before the award is presented. We are thrilled to congratulate all of the talented and passionate women in the movement. This is a great time to do so, and we hope you all get your nominations in ASAP so we have plenty of time to choose our activist wisely.
For some videos on the movie here is the official trailer and a Free Keene TV news story on the movie: