FKTV – Episode 42 – May 7th, 2012

1. Keene State College has it’s largest graduating class.
2. Derrick J Freeman serves time for his victimless crime spree
3. Derrick’s farewell video
4. Beau Davis is heading to jail after being victimized by the War on Drugs
5. On the Edge with Max Keiser covers the student loan debt situation with former Treasury Official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

FKTV – Episode 41 – April 30th, 2012

1. The shooting death of burglary suspect Julio Angel DeJesus by Keene Police personnel is still lacking answers.
2. FKTV Reports explores the recent tactic of city officials to issue no trespassing orders to curtail free speech.
3. Tragedy of the Commons as explained by the Competitive Enterprise
4. Ben Swann’s Reality Check looks at the delegate process going on during the GOP primary.


FKTV – Episode 40 – April 23rd, 2012

1. Keene Police shoot and kill a burglary suspect
2. Ademo Freeman is in-studio for an editorial/interview
3. A run down on violent crime in the area
4. 3 Absurd Reasons for the Drug War courtesy of Learn Liberty . org
5. A video about the Cost of the Drug War from the Foundation for Economic Education



FKTV – Episode 39 – April 16th, 2012

1. Charges are dismissed against Jason Talley

2. Jason Talley is interviewed in studio

3. 3 dead in the tragic Greenland shooting

4. NH State pensions are underfunded

5. EconStories helps to illustrate the boom and bust cycle with a video titled Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two




Improvements for FKTV are in the works!


FKTV – Episode 38 – April 9th, 2012

1. Local Violence
2. Harriet Cady has her audio recording devices and tapes confiscated by Deerfield Police.
3. An explanation of Capital and Capitalism
4. A look at cronyism in the current system
5. Government explained to a visitor
6. Private Property and the Little Guy