High School Outreach

Originally posted at the upcoming LadiesInKeene.com

School outreach will occur on Tuesday afternoons;

Schools in the area will be visited on a rotating basis.

On Tuesday December 6, 2011, eight people went out to the Keene High School to do outreach.  “CopBlock.org” and “Stop War” banners were positioned facing the school so that they were visible to individuals on or leaving the premises. Those holding the banners waved to people on the buses and many returned friendly gestures.

Fliers were offered to as many individuals leaving on foot as possible. The majority of students approached accepted the flier and seemed genuinely interested.

“The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.” – James Madison

Keene Police Department Fan Page

The Keene Police Department Fan Page on Facebook is dedicated to encouraging professionalism and transparency in the Keene Police Department. In addition, it can be a useful tool for identifying police officers and sharing important information relevant to the Keene Police Department’s “activities.”

If you have photographs (preferably names as well) of those employed at the Keene Police Department, please consider sharing them on the Keene Police Department Fan Page or emailing them to kanga@sover.net – to help the two Keene-based activists administering the page keep it up to date.

Jason Talley’s Arrest; Update

This morning (September 23, 2011) around 8:40 AM, Jason Talley, Cecelia, and I went to the Superior Courthouse in Keene for Ian Freeman’s habeas corpus hearing scheduled for 9:00 AM. At the ‘security’ checkpoint, Jason checked his bag of recording equipment in exchange for a receipt. He then walked through the metal detector and was immediately questioned about the device attached to his belt. Jason replied, “That’s my personal camera,” then expressed that he was walking to the window a few feet away to fill out a form asking permission to film the proceedings upstairs.

As Jason approached the window, the bailiffs began touching him. At first it appeared that the bailiffs were patting down his pockets, but they then attempted to steal his camera from his belt. Jason held onto his property while the bailiffs were grasping his wrists, very tightly it appeared, and trying to pull his hands away from the camera. Jason was told he was under arrest and put into handcuffs. Although he did not resist, Jason did not assist the bailiffs in his kidnapping. One of the bailiffs grabbed onto the handcuffs, in the center, and dragged Jason, backwards, into the elevator.

The bailiff, when questioned, stated that Jason was going to be seen in Keene District Court on two misdemeanor charges, including resisting arrest. He would not state the specific charge for which Jason was arrested, only that it was in relation to walking through security with a recording device. Cecelia and I went to the Keene District Court to inquire about when Jason would be seen by the judge, but the clerk was not able to provide any information.

At the Cheshire County Sheriff’s Department (located in the Superior Courthouse), we were informed that Jason would be seen by a judge this afternoon. We then spoke with the County Attorney and learned that Jason will be seen “sometime after 1:30 PM” this afternoon at the Superior Courthouse.

What I Learned in Public School

Although you may have been taught to believe differently, public schools tend to have very negative impacts on the development of a child’s creativity, sense of ethics and autonomy. From the first day in kindergarten until the last day of senior year, ‘kids’ are told to “treat others as [they] want to be treated.” Actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately, the staff members at public education facilities treat students as if they have “authority” over them, ingraining the message that it is acceptable to treat other people like property – though I doubt they wish to be treated that way. A ‘child’ can learn all of the skills that one may deem ‘critical’ without being subjected to the hypocrisy and demand for blind obedience in the public school system.

I believe that it is more important to teach children the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ than to teach them to follow rules that someone with purported authority sets for them. Government schools teach children that they need to comply with the demands of teachers, principals, police officers, and other individuals who are portrayed to have a higher level of authority. Giving a child the impression that they are required to obey orders without question diminishes their ability to make decisions based on logical reasoning and conscience. I would prefer to teach my children to live in ways that do not aggress upon others, use critical thinking skills and come to their own conclusions as opposed to blindly following orders and accepting what they are told without question. (more…)

Independence Day

 The fourth day in July, also known as “Independence Day,” is commonly celebrated with a gathering of friends and family, a cookout, and fireworks. It is a ‘federal holiday’ meant to commemorate the Declaration of Independence, where the thirteen “American colonies” declared independence from the “Kingdom of Great Britain.” On July 4th I do not celebrate the Declaration of Independence specifically or ‘America’s birthday,’ but I do celebrate Independence Day. Independence Day is not solely on July 4th though, it is every day.

I celebrate being independent from the “United States” and any other party who may claim to have authority over me. Unfortunately, living in the geographical region declared the “United States,” I will still be aggressed upon by the “government” claiming to have jurisdiction in the area. Although I am susceptible to being victimized by individuals working as part of the “government,” I am independent from the hallucination that they have the authority to control and regulate other people’s lives.

Today, and every day, I celebrate living freely, being an independent thinker, and being a peaceful individual who will not commit acts of violence against another.  I celebrate personal responsibility and self-ownership. Will you allow others to control the way you live your life, whether it be government at any level, a law enforcement officer, or even a spouse? Today, I will be celebrating my true independence. Will you?