SamIam’s Camera Update

Below is a letter I wrote to Keene Policeman Peter “Sturdy” Thomas, about my camera and the armed men who showed up outside my house at 3am knowing I was in jail. I feel the actions of several Keene Police have devastated the integrity of the Keene Police as an organization, and I am posting this to ensure their interactions will at least be public, so you can see what they are doing with your money.

Yesterday I called Ken Meola,  Keene Police Chief per John Mclean’s request. I have not heard back yet, and here is the audio. I was put on hold, then they picked up and  started talking, then I was hung up on. I called back, got transferred to records, and then was sent to Ken’s voice mail. (This is who is protecting you in an emergency)


The City of Keene is Here to Serve You!

On Monday Night at 3am, two Keene police show up outside my house, knowing I’m in jail. They park in my yard, and begin talking loudly.  Moments later they make their way to my front door. When Meg, who was home alone,  woke up and saw this,  she turned on a light. The two policeman responded by running back to their car, getting in and driving away. Here’s her Porc411 call after the terrorists left.

What were they doing? Perhaps looking in the windows to spot something that would justify a search warrant? Perhaps they were planning to break into my home, and conduct an illegal search, hoping to find something to get a warrant. Perhaps they wanted to plant something in my home to set me up. Perhaps they wanted to bug my home for monitoring.

I’d like an explination from KPD, along with the names of the two men who were here terrorizing my family. Listen to what happens when I call to find out why I haven’t heard from them.

Stay tuned, this will not go away.

Addressing Corruption in Keene

As this post goes public, I will be in Keene District Court presenting a letter addressing blatant criminal acts. The letter outlines allegations of corruption, criminal conduct, grand  jury tampering, assault, and perjury – all by NH public officials. In their system the proper procedure is for citizens to present their evidence to a grand jury so they can investigate as their duty requires.

In the letter I outline and provide links to a video of  Howard B. Lane, Judge winking at the prosecutor after overruling my objection, inventing facts, discriminating against my disability, and perverting the rule of law.


Detroit TSA Security Theater

On a recent layover in Detroit, I was filming roaming squads of TSA agents searching passengers at the gates. I didn’t feel like answering their questions, and their response was, well, see for youself . . .

In part 1 I interact with Janetta a TSA “Behavior Detection Officer”

The airport police show up to continue the harassment in part 2: (more…)

The City of Keene’s Hall of Shame

The Homeless – They’re easy to marginalize and blame for their situation. With the economy in a tailspin, the dollar facing hyperinflation, the FDIC billions in the hole, a commercial real estate bubble ready to pop, lending restrictions tightening, Obama spending money like the Weimar Republic, and over 2,000 banks expected to fail next year, unfortunately many more may end up joining them.

It is said the compassion of a society can be measured in the way the poorest and most misfortunate are treated. So after regulating, licensing, and taxing this community out of prosperity, now this unfortunate element of society; this unintended consequence; stands as a black mark the city’s bureaucrats are working to erase. Take an honest look at how government helps the poor who don’t go along with the welfare program:

(Video for Part 2  below)
