Gun Freedom Rally – Concord, NH

On Saturday January 19, people gathered at the 50 different State Houses in support of the right to bear arms in a group of events called “Guns Across America.” The organizers described the rally as “a PEACEFUL demonstration.” And wrote “We encourage everyone to bring pro gun and pro 2nd amendment signs. Open carry is permitted and encouraged. Any rifles MUST be unloaded with bolt open. Please note if you do carry, you do so of your own discretion. In addition, please act responsibly. The liberal media has made those against more gun legislation out to be mentally unstable or radicals. Actions speak louder than words, we are here not only to contest such legislation, but to contest such claims made against us. SPREAD THE WORD and make YOUR voice count!” (more…)

Face-to-Face With the School Board

The Keene Sentinel reported on Tuesday’s School Board’s public hearing on the proposed budget for 2013-2014. Steve Gilbert reports that twenty-six people spoke, twenty-four of them — mostly teachers and parents — argued against proposed staff cuts of $1.45 million in next year’s budget.

“Only one speaker challenged the size of the proposed $62.3 million budget. Darryl Perry, a member of the Free State Project who moved to Keene nine months ago… (more…)

Petition for Redress Delivered

On January 14 at 9:40am a Petition for Redress of Grievances was filed against State Representative Cynthia Chase with the Clerk of the NH State House.
After the Clerk received the petition, she stated that she would have to re-read the rules to know how to proceed. My understanding of the rule is that ALL petitions for redress filed with the Clerk, must be read on the floor of the House before being filed. The next meeting of the State House is Wednesday the January 16; so I guess we shall see what happens next.
In the mean time, I will contact some of the State Rep’s who are friendly towards the cause of liberty to see if they will ensure the petition is read on the floor of the House.

Holding Bureaucrats Accountable

In New Hampshire government officials are supposed to be accountable to “the people” at all times. Anyone who pays attention knows that is not the case. This lack of accountability was seen, or rather heard again on TalkBack this morning.Garret Ean and James Cleaveland both called into the weekly radio show to ask bureaucrat Andy Bohannon questions about his actions on “National Chalk the Police Day” in which he refused to identify himself and assaulted a cameraman.Today on TalkBack, Andy stated that he had “learned from the incident” and there was a mention of people harassing public officials. Garret called to clear up the story to inform Cynthia that Andy had approached him, not the otherway around. Andy refused to apologize to Garret for hitting his camera. When Garret called back in a second time, he was rudely cut-off and host Cynthia Georgina said that such calls will not be accepted.

No Metal Detectors for City Council Meetings

The Keene Sentinel reported on the City Council’s finance, organization and personnel committee meeting from Thursday, January 10.

Mitch Greenwald, who asked the council to consider requiring everyone to pass through a metal detector on the first floor prior to entering city meetings, said he did not have an opinion on whether the proposed step should be taken. “I’m not asking for this,” he said. “I wanted a discussion.”

Before allowing the public to speak, he set rules for the discussion that limited what could be mentioned. The Sentinel reported:

Members of Free Keene, a local libertarian group that oppose what it calls victimless crimes, such as public drinking and marijuana use, also weighed in on the issue Thursday night.
“It is fear-based,” said Ian Freeman, who hosts a local radio show called Free Talk Live. “It’s security theater.”
Freeman said anyone meaning serious harm to a city or court official would likely not be deterred by a metal detector, and could wait outside the building for the target to exit.