Darryl W. Perry’s Final campaign message: What’s next?

When I embarked on my Presidential Campaign, I did so with three goals in mind: 1) to run the most libertarian presidential campaign in history; 2) to proclaim the ideas of liberty as boldly and as often as possible; and 3) to give as many people as possible the opportunity to vote for an actual libertarian in November.

I am pleased to report I accomplished two-thirds of the goals I set for my campaign. I ran the most consistent libertarian campaign to date, and I took every opportunity, including my well-received Concession Speech, to promote the ideas of liberty.


Manchester Cop Blockers to Converge on City Hall Tonight

Manchester Police State

Manch Cops Unnecessarily Intimidate Innocent People in Search for Suspect

Manchester has recently been the site of some major police state tactics including lockdowns and checkpoints. Tonight beginning at 6:00pm, Manchester-area activists and Cop Blockers will be holding a press conference at 6:30pm, then various members of the West Manchester community will be testifying to the city council about their experience in the recent police state activity. Here’s the full event announcement from Foundation for NH Independence president Carla Gericke:

Is the Manchester Police Department on the Warpath?

Concerned Manchester residents will gather at City Hall Plaza on Elm Street at 6PM on Tuesday, June 7th, 2016, to discuss the increasing use of military-style occupation tactics and deployment of military-grade equipment on the streets of Manchester, NH.

MPD Police Chief Nick Willard says, “crime is down 20 percent in Manchester,” yet in the past 3 weeks:

  • 8 Manchester schools have been placed under lockdown;
  • MPD has deployed its SWAT team and armored BEARCAT at least twice;
  • One home was tear-gassed;
  • At least 3 helicopters clamored over the city for hours after an entire neighborhood of 30,000 people was placed on lockdown with a shelter-in-place order for more than 5 hours after the suspect had been apprehended.

In Manchester, a city with a population of 110,000 that often ranks highly in affordability and livability, the past few weeks have seemed like a war zone. (more…)

NH Liberty Party’s Freeman Files First for NH Governor, Democrat Race

Ian Freeman Launches 2nd Campaign for NH Governor

Ian Freeman Launches 2nd Campaign for NH Governor

Once again, I’m throwing my hat into the ring for the office of governor for New Hampshire in the democratic race. The first time I did so was in 2014 where I garnered second place and received more than 4% of the vote against then-incumbent Maggie Hassan in a campaign where I accepted no campaign contributions and spent approximately $2.50 on postage to reply to various candidate questionnaires.

My goal was to spread the ideas of liberty and NH declaring independence from the federal government. That continues to be my goal. It’s unlikely I will defeat the establishment candidates who will be well-funded by the powers-that-be. However, I will do the best I can to spread the ideas of liberty and NH independence with virtually no campaign budget.

NH Liberty Party

NH Liberty Party

In 2014 I had the opportunity to address the republican debate held at Franklin Pierce University, since the other two candidates in the democratic primary refused to debate. What will happen this time? Stay tuned here to the NH Liberty Party blog for campaign updates. Or, just sign up for emailed updates via the signup box in the right-hand column of NHLiberty.info. Hopefully we’ll be announcing other NH Liberty Party candidates for other state races as the filing period runs from today through June 10th.

Here’s a page with details about my campaign and my prime issues which include ending prohibition, declaring independence from the federal government, and ballot access fairness. Thank you for your interest!

Welcome to our newest Seacoast blogger, Steven Zeiler!

Steven Zeiler - Large

Steven Zeiler, Portsmouth Bitcoin Evangelist

Free Keene continue to add activists as bloggers from across the state. Now another Seacoast doer and media personality, Steven Zeiler is onboard as our newest blogger! Here’s his bio from the Bloggers page:

Steven Zeiler is a successful software entrepreneur and avid bitcoin user and evangelist dedicated to spreading everyday bitcoin use throughout his community. He was a pioneering engineer building open financial technology with Ripple financial software firm in Silicon Valley and now runs a software business in Portsmouth, New Hampshire dedicated to saving accountants at CPA firms more time to spend with their friends and loved ones. Steven moved to New Hampshire in 2016. You can engage with Steven every Thursday night on the Flaming Freedom, the most glamorous liberty-oriented show in the solar system.

How to Look Cool This Memorial Day

AntiWar.com has cool poppies flower pins for sale, just in time for Memorial Day! Show your support for peace by sporting this cool pin that recognizes war is hell.

Wear it on your blazer. Wear it in your hair! Wear it on your favorite t-shirt! The important thing is that you wear it.

Get your own pin and support AntiWar.com by buying a Poppy pin at AntiWar.me — they take bitcoin! And paypal, too. AntiWar.com is the best source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities. Dig it!

My poppy was sent to me by Drew at SuperHeroPrinting.com — Thanks, Drew!

Livefyre Commenting is Back!

Livefyre logoA couple of weeks ago, I took down the WordPress “Jetpack” commenting system and replaced it with Livefyre, the comment system that we’d had previously here a year ago. I’d gotten rid of Livefyre previously because when a user posted a comment via Livefyre, their system would not copy it into our local WordPress comments database. It was a major bug that was a deal-killer for me, which was too bad because otherwise Livefyre is great. The comments look good and it’s easy to log in via various methods and participate.

Thankfully a couple weeks ago, Livefyre’s support department reached out to me to let me know they’d fixed the database issue, so I decided to make the switch back. Unfortunately, the comment import automation process at Livefyre failed as Free Keene has nearly 60,000 comments amassed over nearly a decade, so it took more time and resources than expected to complete the import. During this time, a few thousand comments were gone from the site and they are now back!

Enjoy the trolling!