Graham Demoted from Blogger Status

Graham ColsonI believe Graham Colson is a good guy and have watched him mellow out over the years, however, a few recent incidents have given me cause for concern. Graham has some grievances with individuals in town and has been seen downtown yelling at these people. Though his grievances may be legitimate, his method of approach is not peaceful. Hopefully he will reflect on this critique (which is being given to him by multiple friends).

Despite the beliefs of some, Free Keene has bloggers, not “members”, and I only want bloggers here dedicated to peaceful evolution. I love Graham and I hope he finds peace.   Perhaps then he will be able to blog again for Free Keene.

Obamacoin Alternative Currency Accepted by City of Keene

Yesterday was a historic day for alternative currencies in Keene, New Hampshire, as the Aqua Keene Parking Force division of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene police accepted — with no questions asked — the unique and impressive Obamacoin. Obamacoins were introduced to the world several years ago through fabulous infomercial campaigns which ran on both late night and daytime television. Viewers of Cheshire television may be familiar with the elaborate art film inspired by and crafted with actual Obamacoin testimonials, RENDER UNTO OBAMACOIN.

The currency consists of varying forms of artwork imitating coin design orbiting around the profile image of Barack Obama, applied to real-life united states government federal reserve coins, often quarters, nickels, dimes, half dollars, and dollar tokens. In some cases, the raised profile of the 2014_04_16_dprkakpfobamacoinpolitical figure emblazoned beneath the Obama sticker is vaguely visible through the creative addition. In yesterdays test payment of Obamacoin to cover the cost of a $5 parking ticket issued by the AKPF, only a brief admiration and inspection of the new currency was given before a receipt was promptly being printed up and the citation’s debt eliminated. With the coins’ potential as collectors items to bring the value to the moon, who knows at what price the city of Keene was able to auction the individual coins for? Not only is the introduction of Obamacoin into the local economy an encouraging development, but it is also a promising sign of a willingness to adapt on the part of city officials that they retain a great deal of openness to unexplored concepts such as alternative currency. Given the booms and busts of other monetary alternatives, the individual is at a loss to predict what possible exchange rates Obamacoin will establish itself at as businesses begin accepting and trading with this new system.

State House 4/20 Celebration Scheduled for ‘Easter’ Sunday

As has occurred annually since 2010, the 4/20 celebration is organized to proceed as usual on 2013_420rallythe state house lawn in Concord, New Hampshire. The disobedience rally in the supreme political venue provided by the state house originally occurred at the revered time on Guy Fawkes Day of 2009, and became a yearly occurrence when a larger group held a celebration in April of 2010. Free Concord has covered the event in 2011, 2012, and 2013, and is expected to collect content from the ritual again. Check out the facebook event page for details on the upcoming festivities.

Keene #3 Among Best Places In New Hampshire

Real Estate company Movoto ranked the 30 largest New Hampshire towns and cities in seven different criteria, and determined that Keene was the third best place in New Hampshire!
The criteria included: total amenities, quality of life, crime rate and tax rates, among other factors.

Movoto says, “The city is a bit of a haven to students, offering them an impressive 12 to 1 student-teacher ratio and some great summer temperatures to enjoy the time off of school. If people are past school-aged, that’s fine too, as the place boasts the fifth-best unemployment rate at only 4.3 percent.
As far as things to do, Keene doesn’t fall short. The number of amenities here rank sixth for that criterion.” (more…)

Judge Kissinger dismisses case of Salada, et al. v Keene School District

On Friday March 28, Judge John Kissinger from the Cheshire Superior Court issued this 6 page ruling in the case of Salada et al. v. Keene School District

In dismissing the case, Kissinger ignored the press release from the NH State Senate that was included in the Memorandum of Law filed by the petitioners, and instead cited Webster’s Dictionary to determine “the plain meaning of statutory terms.”

The petitioner’s have note yet decided how to proceed, and may opt to contact State Representatives to inform them of the court decision that seems to be in direct opposition to the legislative intent.

You can read more about the case here, and here.

Welcome to Our Newest Blogger From Manch, Joël Valenzuela!

valenzuelaFree Keene welcomes Joël Valenzuela as our newest blogger! Joël is one of the prime content creators in Manchester and he joins existing Manch bloggers Robert Mathias, JJ Schelessinger, and William Kostric to help feature some of the great activism happening there that has gone woefully unreported. Here’s his bio from the Bloggers page:

Joël moved to New Hampshire for the Free State Project in September of 2013 after making a promise to always be on the front lines of liberty. He runs The Desert Lynx blog and writes for numerous other publications. Valenzuela’s undergraduate education is in Statesmanship, and his postgraduate in Global Affairs. He worked for over a decade in public policy for such organizations as the Goldwater Institute, the Alliance for School Choice, the Cato Institute, the Leadership Institute, Americans for Prosperity, and the Western Center for Journalism. When not running The Desert Lynx, Valenzuela is a full-time martial arts instructor.