Jennifer Schmidt’s Husband Threatens to Make Kids’ Lives A “Living Nightmare”

Matthew "Boston Strong" Schmidt

Matthew “Boston Strong” Schmidt

Irregularly for weeks, Matthew “Boston Strong” Schmidt has driven by the intersection of Leverett and River streets in his Amari Plumbing work truck and personal vehicles, laying on his horn and screaming “Get a job!” at the top of his lungs. Rich Paul, who lives in one of the homes at the intersection, decided to go down and confront Boston yesterday after he again drove by honking angrily.

To be clear, Boston has been engaging in this un-neighborly behavior long before his wife Jennifer Schmidt was recently issued a temporary stalking order for allegedly threatening to kill a 10-year-old boy with a knife. WMUR covered that story after it broke here on Free Keene, but WMUR did not mention any names in the case. WMUR also said that Jennifer Schmidt would not talk to the media until they speak to their attorney. In the video of Rich’s confrontation taken by activist David Crawford, Matthew broke the family’s silence in the case, alleging the boy in question was a bully, presumably towards their daughter.

When informed multiple times that his honking had disturbed children from their slumber, Boston was unapologetic. In fact, he further promises to, “make their lives a living nightmare.”

Despite seeming to have some grievance against what he calls the “shithole” on the corner, the Shire Free Church-owned LRN.FM studio and Keene Activist Center, Boston seems to think that all the neighbors who aren’t liberty activists really appreciate his loud honking and screaming. At one point he even claims, “Everybody loves what I’m doing. They love it.”

This delusion is typical of the local hater – because the people who they are close to appear to agree with them, they believe that “everybody” agrees with them. The reality is that people have different opinions. Some people in Keene dislike some things activists do, but like others.  Some people like some activists but dislike others.  Some love what we do.  Some hate what we do.  Anyone who’s not in an echo chamber of hate would understand that.  Of course if any of his friends or acquaintances actually disagree with him, they probably keep their mouths shut for fear of his wrath.

Regardless, Boston continues on his self-proclaimed campaign of “aggravating the shit out of people”, despite the fact that his antics seem to provide entertainment for people more so than anything else.  Here’s video of the confrontation from last night:

Black Sheep Rising – Ep80 – Catastrophe

Feeding the haters with good ole satire • Nothin but  A-holes • Deconstructing Colbert’s hack job • Rooster Strong • Darryl’s cringe worthy Asperettes syndrome • Darryl, Shaunna, and Rapsher join • Show notes at:

Black Sheep Rising – Ep79 – Should be Censored

The people vs Pumpkin Fest • The FHRITP phenomenon. The hell is wrong with people? • Feds spend $10mil on anti-obesity video game • Michelle Obama: No vote, no fried chicken • How to be a good slave…err citizen • Homeless advocates fined for feeding the homeless • W joins • Show notes at:

Rebel Love Show Ep 28: Sedition w/ Jordan Page


Recorded November 15, 2014
Jordan Page was the latest guest on the Rebel Love Show to perform “Modus Operandi”, “Sedition”, and “Song for Bob Dylan”. Topics we discuss include the way Jordan discovered liberty, why he stays in the US, we share cop block and TSA stories, building the cultural identity of the liberty community, support for the remnant, bitcoin, and the roles we play to promote freedom. The Rebel Love Show is a once a week broadcast from Manchester and can be found on Itunes and Stitcher.

Black Sheep Rising – Ep78 – Curb Stomping 101


Remembering Keenevention 2014 • Ballot selfie etiquette • Open carry. What could go wrong? according to some LEO • Are my kids too loud for you? How bout I punch you in the teeth for noticing • BSR: behind the scenes • Awesome map of the entire internet • Darryl, Steven, and Shaunna join • Show notes at:

Rebel Love Show Ep 27: #FullKeene


Recorded November 5th, 2014
Rich Paul and Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl visit the Rebel Love Studio to recap and discuss Keenevention including the Secession panel, Direct Action Panel, New Movers Panel, Ladies(Sexist) panel, keynote addresses, Conan’s bonfire, and Derrick J’s Hallowkeene Dance party. Other topics discussed include Free Staters winning state rep elections, latest new movers party, secession, April 420 rally, Rebel Love Show haters, Rich Paul pitches a new show, Rob and Lauren talk polyamory, full O-Girl, Rich Paul admits to never watching Shire Dude, making activism profitable, Rob shares a new mover story, and Rich’s role with The Rebel Love Show is a once a week broadcast spreading the LOVE of a liberated world and is available on Itunes, Stitcher, and Youtube.