The show was hosted by Zach Sandager (Zom), Dalton Adair (WrongOpinion), and some others (Throwaway-O and Ronald McPaul). Adam Kokesh was also a guest during the show, and we had the opportunity to share with the listeners our upcoming project, the Adam Vs The Man Newscast, a comedy news show broadcasting over the Adam Kokesh YouTube channel 5 days a week starting October 8th, 2012.
By the way, I’m still putting together a writing team for that comedy newscast. To learn how you can get involved, watch this video.
Liberty-oriented representative Mark Warden appeared on Girard at Large on WLMW near Manchester. He discussed the trial of Ademo and the issue of “wiretapping” Here’s the archive.
Warden also headed up a subcommittee hearing in Concord today that heard from the public regarding changing the wiretapping law. Here’s a summary from Aahz on the Shire Society Forum:
The dozen or so “general public” who attended expressed their opinions (essentially: NH should be a 1 party state, Ademo should be pardoned, the way the current law stands we’re all wiretapping everyday).
The sub-committee members seemed very attentive and appreciative of input. (more…)
The following video is of Will Hopkins, director of NH Peace Action, reading a statement before the Occupy New Hampshire general assembly on July 22, 2012.
Today was the second day in which Occupy New Hampshire’s recent division was covered with stories on the front page of the Concord Monitor. An in-depth article on last week’s separation was published on July 22, the date of the first GA since the split. (1, 2) At the GA, only one of the board members of the new Occupy New Hampshire corporation was present, and she apologized for having participated in the incorporation and announced that she would be removing herself from the board. An article published in today’s Monitor reports on the first GA since the split. (1, 2) Also published in Sunday’s Monitor was an editorial on the split by Occupier Theresa Earle. (1) (more…)