by Ian | Dec 5, 2011 |
Radio Free Keene News is a five minute newscast which is available as a podcast and also will air at the top of some hours on LRN.FM.
You can download the edition for this week here. Topics covered include Ademo’s felony wiretapping charges, Brad Jardis’ upcoming civil disobedience, and a charity operator’s violent arrest by Bedford cops.
You can add Radio Free Keene News to your podcast client via this RSS feed.
by Skeptikos | Dec 2, 2011 |
Laura Knoy interviews Andrew Carroll, along with Free State Project president Carla Gericke and Libertopia director Christina Heller in today’s show of The Exchange.
Listen to the interview at
by Ian | Nov 28, 2011 |
Radio Free Keene News is a five minute newscast which is available as a podcast and also will air at the top of some hours on LRN.FM.
You can download the edition for this week here. Topics covered include Derrick J’s charges for video recording being dropped, Derrick J being assaulted by court security over a hat, and a three-year retrospective by Keene activist Will May.
You can add Radio Free Keene News to your podcast client via this RSS feed.
by Ian | Nov 22, 2011 |
Radio Free Keene News is a five minute newscast which is available as a podcast and also will air at the top of some hours on LRN.FM.
You can download the edition for this week here. Topics covered include the Ron Paul being “mic checked” by Occupy Keene at an event at Keene State College, an update on the assault allegations against a city councilor, courtroom camera ban shenanigans, and the Shire Choir performance at the state liquor store in Keene.
by Ian | Nov 18, 2011 |
Featuring FK’s Ian and Ademo:
Here’s the original report in German, and the translation below thanks to Rochelle Pitkäniemi:
How big should the influence of government be? This question dominates the election campaign in the USA. For the Republican presidential candidates it’s clear: as small as possible. They are currently outdoing each other with savings proposals. Going the farthest are the representatives of the libertarian movement. They want to get rid of all taxes, the central bank, and the Department of Education. Health insurance and social security should be a completely private matter and American troops should be pulled out of foreign countries.
In New Hampshire, a state way in the Northeast of the USA, the libertarians are especially strong. the so-called “Free Staters” are even working there for a peaceful take-over of the state. Max Akermann visited some of them. (more…)
by Ian | Nov 11, 2011 |
Radio Free Keene News is a five minute newscast which is available as a podcast and also will air at the top of some hours on LRN.FM.
You can download the edition for this week here. Topics covered include the caroling at the Concord state liquor store, a successful parking ticket trial, and an alleged assault by a city councilor.