WKBK’s “Talkback” Highlights 2011-03-19 & 26

Radio TowerHere are highlights from recent episodes on Talkback on WKBK. Liberty-oriented individuals call to discuss frustration with taxes, stealing homes, the jail, spending, victimless crimes, the military, homeschooling, government school curriculum, and bad parents. A local statist calls to support government education.

Grab the archive.

Please join us for our weekly chat and calling sessions on Saturday mornings from 11a-12p. If you’re in the Keene area you can tune in to WKBK 1290 AM or 104.1 FM. The Talkback discussion thread is here on the Free Keene Forum.

WKBK’s “Talkback” Highlights 2011-03-12

Radio TowerHere are highlights from this morning’s Talkback on WKBK. A lady calls to point out how the city’s corporate buddies get away with things that average folks can’t. Also, there are calls about the jail, potholes, the federal government, currency, TV, imperialism, and democracy and republics.

Grab the archive.

Please join us for our weekly chat and calling sessions on Saturday mornings from 9a-12p. If you’re in the Keene area you can tune in to WKBK 1290 AM or 104.1 FM. The Talkback discussion thread is here on the Free Keene Forum.

Ever heard a jury selection before? Now you can.

Jim JohnsonAs was reported here last week, Jim Johnson’s jury selection was held as scheduled yesterday morning, but I was under the impression the case would go right to trial, and I apologize for that mistake. Turns out the trial has been scheduled for 3/17 at 9am. The courtroom only holds 63 people including court bureaucrats, so please arrive in good time to get in the room.

Even though the jury selection process is a public event, all activists were prevented from entering the court yesterday morning, including Jim’s wife, Lauren. The excuse for this was the fire code, in that there were already too many people in the room to allow anyone besides potential jurors in there. The bailiff refused to allow any media into the room, including preventing Jim from bringing in a handheld audio recorder. Being as that we had been prepared to do our own recording and had been prevented by court security, I motioned the robed man to waive the $25 fee for the official audio record, which was actually approved. I picked up the audio today and dubbed it from the proprietary court record format to .mp3. Download Jim’s jury selection audio here.

Here’s the trial event for Jim on Facebook.