NHPR Reports on Free Keene

Radio TowerThanks to Donna Moxley from New Hampshire Public Radio for this report:

The City of Keene has an image of being—well a little more Vermont than New Hampshire…more liberal than libertarian.

So it’s a little surprising that Keene would be the setting for a series of demonstrations that have drawn attention to the libertarian Free State Project.

But as Keene Sentinel’s Donna Moxley reports, much of the ruckus is coming not from the Free Staters……but from the Free Keeners (more…)

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: “Healing Our World” Audiobook!!!

nullIt wasn’t long ago that Free Keene originated the release of the Epub and Kindle versions of Dr. Mary Ruwart’s excellent book, “Healing Our World”. Now we have even bigger news that will help spread her awesome book as far as possible, now into ears instead of just eyes – the ’90s edition of “Healing Our World” is now available in audio form thanks to Dr. Ruwart and S. Adam Shahid, who is the voice of the book.

“Healing Our World” is eye-opening, mind-expanding, and persuasive – Dr. Mary Ruwart shows how force has dangerous unintended consequences, and how only by honoring our neighbor’s choices will we solve the world’s problems.

Download “Healing” and other books on our Free Audio & E-books page.

WKBK’s “Talkback” Highlights 2010-09-25

Radio TowerHere are highlights from last week’s Talkback on WKBK. Liberty-minded people called to discuss the absurd granite curbs that are being installed around Keene, taxes, and federal control.

Grab the archive.

Please join us for our weekly chat and calling sessions on Saturday mornings from 9a-12p. If you’re in the Keene area you can tune in to WKBK 1290 AM or 104.1 FM. The Talkback discussion thread is here on the Free Keene Forum.