WKBK’s “Talkback” Highlights 2010-09-10

Radio TowerDue to human error, (I forgot to turn on the receiver before bed), only the last 45 mins of “Talkback” on WKBK was recorded today. Here are two highlighted calls – one is my thoughts on talk radio and dumbing down and the other is a desperate statist trying to attack liberty activists (she even claims *we* bully the police!) and “out” Andrew Carroll AGAIN! Doesn’t it sound like she’s reading a prepared statement? Interesting how none of the people who attack Andrew ever identify themselves…

Grab the archive.

Please join us for our weekly chat and calling sessions on Saturday mornings from 9a-12p. If you’re in the Keene area you can tune in to WKBK 1290 AM or 104.1 FM. The Talkback discussion thread is here on the Free Keene Forum.

Talkback: Liberty Activists Call in 2010-08-21

Radio TowerLiberty-minded people called “Talkback” on WKBK last week to discuss negativity in politics, fiat currency, world policing, consequences of cracking down on activists, police discretion, insults toward liberty activists, free market schools, and correcting misunderstandings. A local critic calls in about the city council drinking game and a former cop calls in with paranoid and violent statements about activists.

Grab the archive.

Please join us for our weekly chat and calling sessions on Saturday mornings from 9a-12p. If you’re in the Keene area you can tune in to WKBK 1290 AM or 104.1 FM. The Talkback discussion thread is here on the Free Keene Forum.

Integrity in a Threatening Situation

CallawayBrewbaker’s owner James Callaway aka “the cup guy”, has called me out for having “zero integrity” for revealing a detail of a conversation with him I had agreed to keep private. (I did this in the comments here, number 104.) Here’s the voicemail James left me this morning where he calls me out and makes a vague threat against “you guys”, (presumably Sam and I, or perhaps all liberty activists) “You guys really like to play games, and unfortunately you’re gonna learn. Goodbye.”

One of the fundamental tenets I live by is to honor my agreements, so why would I reveal a conversation I’d agreed to keep private?

Before I answer, I’d like to give you a little more detail. This weekend, I received a message from James via facebook: (more…)

Talkback: Liberty Activists Call in 2010-08-14

Radio TowerLiberty-minded people called “Talkback” on WKBK last week to discuss KPD’s targeting of liberty activists, police brutality (during this call, they hit the dump machine on something this local supporter said – who knows what it was), and the futility of trying to change federal government. A local paranoiac calls suggesting that “he” (one of us, presumably) is making money off of all this. Not sure to whom he is referring. Other locals call to express anger and confusion regarding liberty activists.

Grab the archive.

Please join us for our weekly chat and calling sessions on Saturday mornings from 9a-12p. If you’re in the Keene area you can tune in to WKBK 1290 AM or 104.1 FM. The Talkback discussion thread is here on the Free Keene Forum.

WKBK’s Dan Mitchell Discusses City Council Drinking Game

I called into the morning show here in Keene to discuss last nights Keene City Council drinking game and the Anti-Free Keene hecklers that showed up to disrupt filming. Keene City Councilor Pam Slack called in to announce that Heika’s letter would be addressed on Wednesday at 6:30.

Grab the Archive here to get my perspective on this video:


Here’s an Update based on the comments:

I’m currently editing the video for the event.  The full footage from this incident is shown in the beginning.  This version seems to have cut two previous occasions where he was disrupting my interview by holding the cup in front of the camera. He was repeatedly asked to stop interfering.