The latest episode of Peace News Now is particularly exciting, as it features two powerful peaceful resisters, Ian Freeman & Mark Baker. Learn more about Mark Baker at his site,
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Keene bureaucrats are furious about Robin Hood! Robin Hood of Keene is the most popular act of engagement with the community that FreeKeene has experimented with so far. Robin Hood employs a handful of individuals to feed the parking meters in downtown Keene. They are funded by private donations, usually from people they save. The Robin Hooders leave a type of calling card on the windshields of cars that they rescue, and when people return to see that they’ve been saved, they often donate and “Like” the Robin Hood of Keene Facebook page. (more…)
Unfortunately, the parking enforcers of Keene have resorted to theft and destruction of property as a new attempt to thwart Robin Hood of Keene, a development that I view as further evidence of Robin Hooding’s effectiveness. I was given the following stack of cards in late February from an enforcer who informed me that they were removing them from vehicles and ripping them up. I then shot the video below in which a parking enforcer of the city of Keene removed some of our cards from a vehicle and threw them in the trash. I decided to wait to release this footage to see if the enforcers reformed their ways, but since the card removal appears to be continuing if a Robin Hooder is not with the enforcer, I decided to release the footage. Robin Hooders been told that this practice was occurring and have witnessed it prior, but did not have any footage of it until now.
Do you like the activism you see here at Free Keene? If so, you may wish to support it financially.
We use the money to print fliers as well as buy advertising on liberty media like Ridley Report. In addition, FK is a yearly sponsor of the Liberty Forum and Porcfest.
Turns out that Chipin is going away in a matter of weeks, so the widget in the right panel of the site has been updated to a Paypal widget.
Today I was made aware from KPD Officer Jason Short that removing the chalk that the parking enforcement officers put on a parked vehicle’s tires is a class b felony. I was given a piece of paper, pictures below, with the applicable RSA.