Parking Ticket Challenged, Dismissed

Wow, who knew it could be so easy? I received a parking ticket in August while getting my hair cut at Moda Suo salon in town. The stylists at Moda did a great job, by the way — and they take bitcoin! I walked down to city hall to challenge the ticket and was given an arraignment date. That means I was told to appear in court to plead either guilty or not guilty. When I appeared to plead not guilty, the prosecutor said, “Are we really going to court over a five dollar ticket?” He dismissed it. Victory!

Since I document and upload my daily life to YouTube, I can share with you video of the entire process. In this playlist, watch as I receive the ticket, go to City Hall to challenge it, and then eventually walk out of court victorious.

Thank you, Jason Short, for doing the right thing and dismissing this ticket. I have another parking ticket to challenge next month. Let’s see if the next one gets dismissed, too. I’ll be ready for court just in case. Think of it: a whole trial just to extort $5 from me? Going to trial costs them way more than that. Will they stop ticketing my car? Will they increase the fine for a parking violation? Will they abolish parking enforcement altogether? Time will tell.

Have We Not Yet Resolved the Chalking Terror?

It always catches me by surprise when a public official continues to express belief in an incorrect analysis of law. Yesterday afternoon in Keene, a chalk artist was approached by a bailiff who exited the front doors of the court to issue a pseudo-order to stop chalking. Classifying the chalking as ‘disorderly conduct’, a vague legal term to which chalking does not apply, the authority figure retreated when questioned about his statements and suggested that he would contact Keene police. A KPD SUV rolled by, and another officer walked past the chalking and into the courthouse, but no further action was taken. And, the chalking remained over 24 hours later!

I suppose this was simply an incident in which one bailiff had an incorrect interpretation of the rights of people to express themselves. It was respectable to see the issue dropped once the false information was corrected. One longs for a day when chalking itself does not cause such an elevation of the emotions for bystanders and authority figures.

The AKPF #1 So Good, It Had To Be Censored

akpfvan_sfkmountainsaynrand1While an occasional flag is raised by YouTube over content contained in a given episode of AKPF #1, seldom does the generous video server host outright block an episode of the controversial cable access series. In the past, LiveLeak has been utilized to fill the gaps left by YouTube’s restrictive policies. It was not until this week, in a special Labor Day installment, Islemon State, that an episode has had the honor of being banned from both YouTube and the more gratuitous LiveLeak video sharing site. While a more permanent hosting option is being sought, our audience is free to enjoy the blocked episode by downloading the .mp4 file directly from the WeTransfer service:

Fans of the show consuming the content directly from Cheshire TV will have the privilege of seeing the original complete and uncut episode as it was originally intended. Sharing is caring! If you find any issues with the .mp4 format, you can also find an mpeg2 format copy here via WeTransfer for up to two weeks from publication, unless that platform also issues some form of ban.

The Trial of Darryl W Perry

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 – Residency & Registration, two victimless crimes. Darryl seeks to defend himself against the charges, but Judge Burke takes the case under advisement. Here is the full video, with picture-in-picture of the Judge’s face.

AKPF #1: Trialitis

This week’s intriguing installment takes us yet again in a Keene courtroom, this time the Superior branch as Rich Paul stands trial on alleged violations of probation. Accused of possessing a weapon and having a biological system saturated with tetrahydrocannabinol, state actors tried long and hard to succeed on both counts. With an AKPF #1 producer as a witness and a seasoned public defender as his attorney, Rich was ultimately successful in defeating all weapons charges levelled against him. There was no denying the THC saturation, and the judge ultimately sentenced Rich to six months at the Cheshire Spiritual Retreat on those grounds, though remarkably with the liberating condition of probation termination after service of that sentence. Concluding the episode is a sign wave outside of the jail featuring Oscar the dog.

Gun Rights Fundraiser | Appeal CCW Denial

Should civil disobedience disqualify a person from putting a gun in his pocket?

Because of my Victimless Crime Spree, the Keene Police are now denying me a Concealed Carry License. I am appealing, and a hearing will be set sometime in the next two weeks. I’ve hired rockstar attorney Evan Nappen to help me. You can help cover the cost of his services by donating here: or by sending bitcoin here: 17CMtf86297jB7sdDDqUH51Xy7xkkwcT4a

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