BREAKING: Ademo Freeman Arrested for Felony Chalking?!

Free Ademo

Free Ademo!

The War on Chalk continues nationwide with tonight’s arrest of Cop Block founder and Free Keene blogger Ademo Freeman. Ademo has been arrested in Shawnee, KS on a felony warrant purportedly for “criminal mischief” charges over chalking the Noblesville, IN police department a couple of weeks ago. Ademo is expected to be arraigned on Monday and whether he’ll be extradited to Indiana remains to be seen.

The Noblesville PD chalking incident happened the day before Ademo and Brian Sumner kicked off the Cop Block Mobile Accountability for Cops (MAC) tour. According to their post about the incident, Cop Blockers visited Noblesville police department and used liquid chalk to write various messages directed toward and about the police. Later on, they are threatened by multiple Noblesville cops in a parking lot – see the video here. The gang members detain Ademo and Brian for a quarter-hour and claim that one of “their group” used real paint during the chalking outside the PD.

Now Ademo is in Johnson county jail in Kansas on a felony warrant. As a result, requests for calls to the jail and PD rang out on Facebook. Initially, the jail denied having him and police on the phone played games like one claiming his first name was “deputy” (I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard that one.):

Should you wish to call the jail and/or police and express yourself, here are the numbers: Shawnee PD: 913-631-2150. Johnson County Jail: 913-715-5100. Here’s the agency that issued the warrant, Noblesville PD: 317-776-1588

Brian did get video of the arrest:

If you think the massive call flood that these arrests trigger is awesome, then imagine what it would be like if those people willing to call a jail in favor of setting someone peaceful free from captivity were instead willing to move to the same geographic area. Imagine the cop blocking that could be possible. Rather than call the jail, you could go there with others. You could even go to the homes of the people who kidnapped Ademo. Ademo moved to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project. Here are 101 reasons why you should consider doing the same thing.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene and the Cop Block MAC Tour page for the latest on this developing story.

RLS 063 – The NH Hempfest Experience


Recorded September 9th, 2015
The Rebel Love Crew has returned from the NH Hempfest & Freedom Rally invigorated with good vibes, peace, freedom and love. Topics discussed include Hempfest’s mission, our experience at the festival, best moments, favorite drugs to use there, pro pot Porcupine speakers, experiencing Zach Deputy for the first time while rolling, the Rebel Love campsite, the silent disco, and what we took from the second annual festival. Other topics this week include the recent detention and threats of violence Rob and his Rebel Mistress faced by the hands of the Manchester police and a NH State trooper earlier this week. The Rebel Love Show broadcasts every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM and

Detained in Manchester over a license plate light bulb.

While on our way home from a friends party with the co-host of the Rebel Love Show Ann Leverette, we were pulled over by a Manchester police cruiser. The reason for the detention was over a light bulb that apparently went out above the government issued identification plate on the back of my car. Mind you, I have been pulled over many times by Manchester PD at this point. I am assuming it is because of the philosophical stickers on the rear bumper of the vehicle. What was odd this time was that there was a NH State trooper with a Manchester police officer. Both officers have “lively” conversations with me. At the end of the video, I get the Manchester police officer to admit he would gladly “arrest” me over a light bulb if I didn’t pay his boss a ticket of $44.64. I do plan to fight this ticket in court and will update on the results. Just like life, use this video as a learning hospital. How did I handled these two people that had detained us over a light bulb? What should I have done differently?

Cop Blocking in Manch Vegas, Cedar and Union

Cop Blocking is not one of my favorite forms of activism. To be honest I dislike it. Mostly because I try to avoid violent people as much as I can. However, in the situation when police are threatening violence to your neighbors right in front of you, I feel an obligation to help out. The Rebel Love Studio is near what New Hampshire considers a “ghetto” in Manchester. On the night of August 12th, 2015 there was a large crowd of minority teens and a large contingent of Manch PD on the corner of Cedar and Union St. Ann Leverette, Renee Kate, and I hit the streets with smart phones in hand to help out our neighbors from the threats of violence by the police. We used the opportunity to hand out cop block lit to the people the police were harassing. The Manch PD also confront us a couple of times during the incident. Luckily no one was arrested on this night.