Robin Hooding Spreads to Poland!

Robin Hooding has made such an international impact that a group of libertarian activists in Kraków, Poland have taken up the heroic activity!

On their first foray into the streets they successfully saved six good people of Kraków approximately $100 USD in tickets from a very sad parking enforcer! Here’s video (click the “cc” at the bottom right to turn on english subtitles):

Front-Page Feature Article on Keene Copblock in KSC Equinox

KSC Cop Block

Original Illustration from the Equinox

Last week’s Keene Equinox featured a major above-the-fold front page article on Keene Cop Block, complete with an original graphic which dominated the header of the paper.  Equinox journalist Alexa Ondreicka wrote the well-researched piece.  She was genuinely interested in the subject of holding the police accountable, as her friends had already been harassed by Keene police for victimless crimes.  Plus, Keene Cop Block has been regularly down in the college neighborhood handing out thousands of know-your-rights fliers.   I had the honor of being interviewed for the piece  while Keene Police declined to comment.

While we discussed students’ rights when dealing with the police in detail, the head of college security did comment correctly that when students sign up to go to school there, that they surrender their right to privacy while on campus, which is unfortunate.

It’s a very informative piece, and I’m grateful I was given the opportunity to comment.  Here’s the full piece: (more…)

Rebel Love Show ep: 22 Independence is not Impossible.


Rebel Love Show comes back from hiatus with in studio guest Mattheus von Guttengberg.  Topics discussed include recent Cop Block activism in Manchester, recent Free Staters being elected in the primary, Scottish Independence, getting new signers on the west coast, future NH Independence outreach, Keenevention, FreeCoast Festivial, current price drop in bitcoin, and an announcement on Joel’s future plans. All Rebel Love Show archives can be found at 

Keene Cop Block Back In the Streets With Updated Flyer

A few tweaks have been made to the know-your-rights flyer Keene Cop Block has been handing out on the streets of Keene for years. They contain simple, solid info about your rights when encountering police. Even if you think you already know your rights, it doesn’t hurt to review. Please share! Click the graphics for the full-size versions or click: (front, back):

policewarningflyer2014_front policewarningflyer2014_back

Parking Enforcer Loses It: VIDEO

While out doing election day outreach at Keene State College, parking enforcer Linda comes along to issue some threats to peaceful motorists. I grab my Robin Hooding supplies and begin saving people from parking tickets. She begins behaving erratically as we approach an intersection, acting like she is going to cross and then turning around, then turning around again and so on. It was probably very frustrating for the poor people who had stopped to wait for her at the crosswalk while she played childish games with Matt and I.

After this encounter, I pulled out my video camera and continued to feed meters while holding her accountable for her actions. As soon as I approached with the camera she began her erratic behavior again, turning around a total of eighteen times within two minutes. She also accuses me of harassment and interfering, which we know are untrue – Robin Hooding is legal in New Hampshire and talking to government workers is not harassment. Eventually, she leaves the area, having failed at writing further tickets.

Live Streaming of Cop Blocking

Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

Manchester Police have been granted permission by a Superior Court petition to conduct a DUI check point tonight. Such a check point violates the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights and also furthers the perception of living in a police state.  If you are unable to make it to Manchester NH tonight on Sept 5th 2014 but wish to see dozens of Cop Block activists save motorists from being detained and searched by the police, never fear!  Myself and Shire Dude will both be live steaming the activism that will take place.   Both of us will be using Bambuser to stream the event.  Shire Dude’s live stream will be available at  My live stream ill be available at