Keene City Councilor Proposes Returning BEARCAT!



Terry Clark, the Keene city councilor who was the initial lone dissenter against the BEARCAT back in 2011 when it was originally proposed, has filed a proposal with the council to return the BEARCAT (see page 13)!

To The Honorable Mayor Kendall Lane and Council ,
Considering the lack of use of and practical need for, as well as the derogatory impact on our fine city’s name, I write to ask that the City of Keene withdraw from the Homeland Security Grant dated January 20, 2011 and return the Specialized Mission CBRNE/WMD Rescue Vehicle, aka BearCat, to the appropriate government agency.
Terry M. Clark
City Councilor – Ward 3

The proposal will be heard for the first time at tomorrow’s full city council meeting (7pm, city hall) where it will be assigned to a committee for a public hearing (likely next week – we’ll let you know).

Terry Clark

Terry Clark

You may recall the international headlines that Keene garnered in 2011-2012 when the council meetings were packed full of people of all political persuasions to oppose the insane militaristic tank, and despite the mass opposition, the council voted for it anyway.

Now, in the aftermath of Ferguson, more of America has been given a taste of the militarized police, and they don’t like it. Kudos to Terry Clark for making a stand – again. Hopefully he won’t have to do it alone this time and other councilors will get a clue and do the right thing and send this metal monstrosity back to the depths whence it came.

“Robin Hood” Arraigned, Faces Three Years in Prison for Recording Police

James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland was in Keene district court today for an arraignment on three class A misdemeanor charges of “Disorderly Conduct”, “Disorderly Conduct”, and “Resisting Arrest”.  The charges stem from a bullshit arrest made at the scene of a suicide in Keene a couple of months ago where James was attempting to record video of the situation.

Here’s video from today’s arraignment.  The trial is set for 12/30 at 10am in Keene district court.

Locals voice support for Manchester Cop Blockers

On the night of August 22, 2014, dozens of activists flooded downtown Manchester NH on the corner of Elm st and Bridge st in order to warn drivers of the unconstitutional check point that was ahead.  Every time this takes place, there is always a strong local support with honking, hand shakes, and words of support.  On this night, I decided to talk to random people enjoying the nightlife of Manchester to see what they thought of the cop blocking that was taking place.  There were also two immigrants from Mexico that had no affiliation with the liberty community but joined with fellow cop blockers.  They have had bad experiences with the police and were ecstatic to join and help people avoid interactions with the police.  I also spoke with the captain that was supervising the check point around three hours into the operation.  I questioned him if there were any courses of action that the Manchester PD could take that did not violate the 4th amendment of the Bill of Rights. Only one person was arrested, which was for a suspended license.

Cop Blocking in Manchester with Supportive Locals

I encountered and filmed an arrest (purportedly for a license issue) in Manchester’s West Side, at the intersection of Granite and Main. Bystanders were initially hostile to our filming, but when we explained about Cop Block and that we were just trying to hold police accountable and make sure they didn’t perpetrate any abuse, they became very supportive. Score one for the good guys.