Acton Cop Investigates Young People

Yesterday’s article featured video of a police encounter from May 17 that resulted in no searches or arrests outside of the initial detainment. Today’s entry features another encounter from later that same day, this time elsewhere in the bay state.

Earlier that Thursday, myself and a large group of Occupiers were stranded at South Station in Boston after our bus to Chicago had broken down twenty minutes outside of the city. We had spent the night prior inside the disabled vehicle at a rest stop while a mechanic tried futilely to revive it. We returned to Boston around 8:00am, and had our itinerary restored by 3:00pm. Once we discovered that we would be getting flown to Chicago the following morning, we made our housing arrangements for the night.

I had taken a bus out of the Shire to Boston the evening prior, and rather than traveling back and fourth again, I was invited to await departure with young occupiers from Acton. It was my first time in the quaint town, and in my short time there I met many wonderful people. But as is often the case, when too much of a good time is had, the police are bound to arrive and investigate. (more…)

War on Cannabis – Boston: ‘It’s legal, but you still get a fine’

I’ve just gotten around to finalizing more videos from the NATO Summit in Chicago, and today I uploaded this short encounter from after our group’s second attempt to leave Boston. The third time proved to be a charm, and the whole story will be laid out in a cut of most of the footage I am currently working on.

In this video from May 18, a bicycle police officer on patrol around South Station picks out an individual and harangues him for being suspected of smoking herb before letting him return to the group. Police were only operating on smell and had no physical evidence, as this encounter demonstrates the difference between Massachusetts’ decriminalized cannabis status compared to other states, where this same encounter may have resulted in coerced searches or arrest. The second officer to appear on the scene says shortly before leaving, “It’s legal, but your still get a fine.”

Ademo is Free(r)

Posted this morning to CopBlock’s facebook page:

I was released from HCDOC, aka Valley Street Jail, at 5 am this morning. It was in a rush to avoid, IMO, a documentary crew who wanted to film me. Either way its nice to be free(r) and I wanted to thank everyone who supported me while I was in a cage. Thanks again.


Though his period in a cell is over, appeals are still moving forward to reverse the baseless ‘wiretapping’ felony convictions.

PS – The ‘House of Corrections’ failed miserably.

Second Wiretapped Educrat Suspended from West High

Jason Talley reports from

On Thursday MaryEllen McGorry was suspended from her duties as the principal of Manchester High School West. Now the Union Leader is reporting that her secretary, Denise Michael, has also been suspended and is under investigation. That is all the information that school superintendent Tom Brennan is willing to release to the public at the moment, according to the UL:

MANCHESTER — The secretary of suspended Manchester High School West principal MaryEllen McGorry has been placed on administrative leave, Superintendent Tom Brennan said.

Denise Michael will be on paid leave until an investigation is completed, Brennan said.

He would not give reasons nor say whether the suspension has anything to do with McGorry’s suspension, which took place last week.

Brennan said Julie Moore of Employment Practices Group is handling the investigation into the McGorry matter. Her rate is $250 an hour. (more…)