AKPF #1: Year of Television

AKPF #1, a series that began bringing the internet to the television over one year ago, celebrates this week its revolutionary anniversary episode. With DPRK fireworks erupting over opening credits, the scene unfolds from the People’s BBQ in Central Square, which was enjoyed on Friday, March 9 between five and seven pm. With approximately thirty tacos distributed to the people, a strictly regimented battalion of STOP FREE KEENE!!! silent ObamaCoin-1aprotesters picketed the barbecue, facing traffic at the head of the grassy roundabout. What occurs is street preaching, sociological analyses, and fetishistic disavowal. Following the feature, we cut to two days prior, as local business Phat Stuff is pillaged by the Drug Enforcement Agency operating at the behest of the federal department of justice. Be sure to stay tuned until the show’s conclusion for a brief Obamacoin presentation.

DEA Raids Phat Stuff, Steals All Smoking Implements

DEA Agents Raiding Phat Stuff

Criminal syndicate members calling themselves “DEA” destroy the peaceful business.

Reports in national media claim the DEA has raided synthetic drug suppliers in 25 states, but Keene’s Phat Stuff hasn’t sold synthetic drugs since mid-2013. According to the sealed warrant, which you can see here, the agents were taking all smoking devices, as well as sales records from 2011-today.


Masked Man Exits Heist Vehicle

The approximately dozen agents spent five hours boxing up thousands of dollars in various pipes, water pipes, hookahs, and accessories. After 4pm, they loaded it all in the back of a Uhaul and took off with the loot at approximately 4:20pm.

During the raid, one agent stood out back smoking a cigarette.  I asked him if he found it ironic that he’s smoking a cigarette while he and his fellow thieves are stealing tobacco-smoking devices from the store.

At least two agents had balaclavas on outside the store, but not inside.  The cowardly man exiting the heist vehicle in the picture on the right, a Uhaul truck, will be seen in the videos without his mask on.  Stay tuned for that!

In response to us recording video through the storefront windows which had already been mostly obscured by newspaper and black tarp, agents papered over as much of the remaining viewable area as possible, in desperate attempts to avoid accountability for their craven actions.  Keene police officers Jason Short and Todd Lawrence took turns guarding the front door.


The gang members load the last few boxes before likely driving off to consume some alcohol in celebration of the successful heist!

As the agents loaded the getaway vehicle with dozens of DEA-branded cardboard boxes full of thousands of dollars worth of pipes and accessories, an angry group of Keene inhabitants gathered to give the agents a piece of their minds.  The agents were informed that they are not welcome in Keene or NH.

Here’s the Sentinel’s initial story that includes comments from store employees.

Here’s an edited video of the raid. Sneak a peek at some RAW footage as it is uploaded to the Fr33manTVraw channel.

Stay tuned to the Free Keene blog for updates.

AKPF #1: Ridley Report Emporium 02

This week’s modern news akpfBarackbadge-Obamacoin installment of AKPF #1 exposes the audience to recent editions of the popular Ridley Report program, bringing the internet to the television. The imperative topic of activism cylinders is expressed nearly fully and articulately.

00:00 – Warning disclaimer to Cheshire TV audience
00:10 – I reject the state just sounds like shrill posturing
04:53 – Ideal activism hits on these 20 cylinders
11:06 – New Hampshire armed videographer confronts authorities but survives to complete 100 boring uploads
18:44 – NH State House Activism (allegedly) trumps most other kinds
24:25 – Ian Freeman is a best activist, but we could sure do better
28:50 – End disclaimer segment

Owner of Syd’s Speaks Out Against Parking Enforcement

RobinHood_sheriffIf the people calling themselves the “City of Keene” actually cared about business owners, they’d eliminate the parking department that is driving customers OUT of the downtown.  Another letter to the Sentinel was published this Friday from a local business owner, this time by John Croteau of Syd’s Carpet and Snooze Room. Croteau explains he’s lost countless frustrated customers over the years since parking meters were installed in Keene:

Do parking meter cost increases, doubling parking fines and increasing the hours for plugging the meters from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. make Keene a friendlier, more inviting place to shop?

If Nathaniel Stout (“Parking increases are the only fair way,” April 16) thinks so, he is wrong.

I have been in business on St. James Street for well over 45 years and I can tell you there is no bigger drawback to shopping in Downtown Keene than the parking meters and parking fines. It would be very unusual for our customers to choose new flooring, bedding or furniture in less than 30 minutes. So when they lose track of time and find a ticket on their windshields upon exiting our store, they get extremely upset. I have heard many customers make the comment (even after I pay their tickets) that they will never shop Downtown Keene again. (more…)

Slimy Politician Attempts to Hide From Ridley, Drops Her Papers

What does state rep Janice Wall have to hide and why is she so unfriendly?  Dave Ridley of the Ridley Report returns to the state house to attempt to hold members of the judicial committee accountable on what, if anything, they are doing about Thomas Ball’s self-immolation nearly three years ago.  They mostly ignore him, but one of them is even more ridiculous and rude than the rest, Janice Wall.  She attempts to hide her face with papers (which she accidentally drops), then attempts to tell on Dave to the building’s security staff.  Enjoy these videos of this ridiculous person.  What does she have to hide?  I sure hope I recognize her next time I’m in the state house, because I’ll be sure to grab my camera and ambush interview her as well.  In fact, any activists living in the Madbury area should also try to interview her about why she’s so unfriendly to independent media.  She should be on video more often!  Here are Ridley’s two videos where he confronts her multiple times:

Part 1:

Part 2: (more…)

Kidnapping is Poor Customer Service (Why I was arrested yesterday.)

If you’ve been reading the Free Keene blog for the last year, you know that in Summer of 2013, the NH DMV suspended my driving “privileges” indefinitely, until I got a NH driver’s license.  You also know that for many years I have been using the name Ian Freeman without going through the probate process to change my name legally.  In my interactions with the state and city, this name-change-in-fact has had mixed results.  I was able to successfully register to vote as Ian Freeman and run for office under that name, but most courts would not recognize my name change.  Though, there were a couple exceptions, including Concord district and MA’s Palmer district courts.  However, most robed men would refuse to recognize it, even though I would cite NH supreme court decision Moskowitz vs Moskowitz that makes it pretty clear that one can change one’s name in NH without probate court, simply by using the new name.  They just ignored the decision.

Since I had been ordered to get a drivers’ license under threat of violence, I decided that would be a good time to do a legal name change.  (I’d actually tried this a couple of years ago but was stopped when I was arrested for going to court.  That no trespass order for which I was arrested was eventually thrown out and the case against me dismissed.)

The DMV had told me my “privileges” would be suspended as of Nov 5th.  After that, there was a short window of time where if I got their license, the $100 re-instatement fee would not apply, so I was in a hurry to get it done.  The probate court process was simple and relatively quick for government work, but of course, I was paying them $105, and they tend to be more efficient when getting paid.  I got the official name change document from the probate court on November 7th and went down to the DMV to get the NH drivers’ license.

I figured I had everything required – old license, voter ID under the name Ian Freeman and name change document from probate, but no – turns out there was an unwritten requirement: (more…)