A new twenty-nine minute art film to be aired on Cheshire TV has premiered on the AquaKeene youtube channel. Render Unto Obamacoin takes an anthological approach to the hefty subject of Obama Coin. In this new age of competing digital currencies, the old method of physical storage of material value reaches its bottom in the popular wave of Obamacoins that swept the market in some areas of the american united states following the forty-fourth commander-in-chief’s installment. The federal reserve coins painted gold and plastered with stickers of Barack Obama’s profile sold for a significant factor more than their face value after appearing on disturbing television infomercials. Render Unto Obamacoin explores themes of consumerism and youth exploitation in political propaganda over the course of its twenty nine minute runtime. Share your favorite currency, including Obamacoin, with a loved one this December festivals season. All content featured in the film was sourced from YouTube and released to the creative commons of the world.
Word from DPRK officials speaking through the Keene Sentinel have affirmed their interest in continuing onward with the Robin Hood lawsuit, despite its defeat at the superior court level. It is poised now to go before the New Hampshire supreme court, if the state’s mega-court chooses to hear the case. Though the appeal has yet to be filed, this is a great time to congratulate the CoK leaders for possessing the courage and fortitude necessary to subject themselves to more public courtroom festivities on this matter and thank them for keeping the cause of Robin Hood of Keene ever alive.
Following the coverage in the Keene Sentinel, the Concord Monitor published a truncated copy of their article the following day. Concord’s abbreviated coverage removes all statements made by the city’s hired-gun attorney Charles Bauer following the judge’s ruling. Bauer makes some controversial statements regarding the decision that the legal assistant of the Keene city attorney was unable to lend any support to, choosing instead not to comment on the interpretation made by Charlie. As quoted, he stated, “The Order holds that the individual protesters have no duty to be reasonable in their actions and conduct directed toward public employees while doing their jobs…that the individual protesters are allowed to interfere, harass, and intimidate public employees while doing their jobs…(and) that the individual protesters may engage in inappropriate and unreasonable actions and conduct directed at public employees while doing their jobs.” Free Concord is currently seeking to obtain the full statement to press by the losing side’s attorney and will have more to report as information becomes available. (more…)
Kyle Jarvis at the Keene Sentinel is reporting that the people calling themselves the “City of Keene” will be appealing their loss in the Robin Hood case(s) to the NH “supreme” court. The appeal has not yet been filed. I’ll post it here when I get a copy.
City boss John MacLean has already claimed they spent at least $20,000 taxpayer dollars on the initial “superior” court case. How much will the appeal cost? Another $30,000? The required transcript of the three full days of “evidentiary hearings” will probably be a few thousand dollars alone. Whether “the City” wins or loses, I bet their private hired-gun attorney Charles Bauer will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Did the Keene city council approve this PR nightmare of a decision? Will the city people ever learn to stop aggressing against peaceful people? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the Robin Hood saga.
UPDATE: Technically, they are appealing the dismissal of the case(s), so wouldn’t that mean that if the appeal is successful that the cases are remanded back to “superior” court to move ahead to trial? Keep in mind the first case never made it to actual trial – the three days we spent in court were merely “evidentiary hearings” for the purposes of the judge possibly issuing a preliminary injunction against us.
AKPF #1 rebounds back with a new episode following a series of reruns while content was collected from the Police Accountability Tour. Tour Part 1, airing on December 9, features footage from on the ground in Detroit, Chicago, and Gary. An encounter with the Aqua Chicago Parking Force is included in the joyous anthological installment. Stay tuned to the end for an interview with a local in Gary that derails into an informational session with original police chief Adam. Opening includes a special holiday December greeting featuring palm trees, TSA, mounted officers, and railcars going about their day in New Orleans.
1. 00:00 Special message to the viewers of Cheshire TV disclaimer
2. 00:10 Opening imagery, Jesus in New Orleans and December Festivals with ice
3. 01:17 AKPF opening raggae music and imagery
4. 02:16 Freedog New Orleans opening credits
5. 02:48 Floating badges granting extra rights
6. 03:08 Pete’s first exploration of the Threat Management Center published May 2013
7. 09:53 Transitional credits and logo (more…)
the money to pay for attorney Charles P. Bauer of Concord and his legal team came out of the city attorney’s line item budget, and estimated that cost to be somewhere between $20,000 and $25,000. The city hired Bauer’s firm because it has more experiences with these kinds of cases than the city attorney, officials said.
Was the city manager able to authorize this spending on his own without consulting the city council? IF the council was consulted, what was the vote and relevant discussion?
In reality, Gallagher, Callahan, and Gartrell was hired because they are the go-to law firm for NH government agencies. That’s what MacLean (or presumably MacLean – the Sentinel story cites city “officials” as the source of this claim) means when he says the firm “has more experiences with these kinds of cases”. Bauer’s clients are frequently cities, towns, and likely state agencies. He and his associates live off the taxpayer trough in all manner of frivolous and aggressive court litigation on behalf of municipalities.
Now, Bauer will likely be pressing to appeal to the NH Supreme Court, and it should be interesting to see how “the City” handles the prospect of an appeal now that people know how much “the City” has already spent. (more…)
The 2013 Police Accountability Tour wrapped last Monday as Pete Eyre and myself parted ways at the Louis Armstrong International Airport. Carrying footage that has mostly completed uploading recently, Fr33manTVraw has seen a spike in recent views as what’s been captured on the tour is sorted for further editing. Much content will be submitted to CheshireTV for airing, and be additionally posted to the FreeConcordTV channel. One video from the tour has previously appeared on the AquaKeene channel, and check for more there from the tour as content airs on the controversial series AKPF #1 out of Cheshire county.
Embedded below is a playlist of my experiences with the TSA. First, going through the security checkpoint with two cameras running in NOLA, then wrapping with a brief exercise in filming the TSA from the public area of the airport after landing in Manchester. You can read an article from Pete covering the tour published to CopBlock last Friday. In my roughly five city addition to the tour, it was eye-opening to see how those portions of the world are changing and and how sheltered other areas can be from their issues. Expect text in addition to video content coming soon to the sources above. Keep cameras charged!