Show Must Go On: DPRK Denies Robin Hood Ruling

princejohn_rhoodkeenenhWord from DPRK officials speaking through the Keene Sentinel have affirmed their interest in continuing onward with the Robin Hood lawsuit, despite its defeat at the superior court level. It is poised now to go before the New Hampshire supreme court, if the state’s mega-court chooses to hear the case. Though the appeal has yet to be filed, this is a great time to congratulate the CoK leaders for possessing the courage and fortitude necessary to subject themselves to more public courtroom festivities on this matter and thank them for keeping the cause of Robin Hood of Keene ever alive.

Following the coverage in the Keene Sentinel, the Concord Monitor published a truncated copy of their article the following day. Concord’s abbreviated coverage removes all statements made by the city’s hired-gun attorney Charles Bauer following the judge’s ruling. Bauer makes some controversial statements regarding the decision that the legal assistant of the Keene city attorney was unable to lend any support to, choosing instead not to comment on the interpretation made by Charlie. As quoted, he stated, “The Order holds that the individual protesters have no duty to be reasonable in their actions and conduct directed toward public employees while doing their jobs…that the individual protesters are allowed to interfere, harass, and intimidate public employees while doing their jobs…(and) that the individual protesters may engage in inappropriate and unreasonable actions and conduct directed at public employees while doing their jobs.” Free Concord is currently seeking to obtain the full statement to press by the losing side’s attorney and will have more to report as information becomes available.


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