Open Letter to the Mass. SJC

To whom it may concern,

I am the Owner and Managing Editor of Free Press Publications which is a Registered News Organization with the SJC.

On the morning of March 20, I went to the Palmer District Court to attend and cover a hearing in the case of State v Ian Freeman. Upon arrival, I was told that I could not bring my camera & tripod, to which I responded, “I’m media, yes, I can,” and pulled out the form that was sent to me via email from Erika Gully-Santiago (Deputy Public Information Officer).

The bailiff said that since I did not present him “the original” (something I don’t have, as it was sent electronically) that he would need to have a judge verify the form, and that I would need to wait outside of the building.

After waiting for nearly 45 minutes, I was told I would need to fill out a motion which the judge would need to approve before I would be allowed through the security checkpoint; this time I was allowed to stand between the two sets of doors instead of waiting outside. In total it was almost 1 hour from the time I arrived at the Palmer District Court and the time I was allowed through security.
I have a few questions that I would like answered:

  1. Is this the normal procedure for ALL members of the media, or is this treatment reserved for people who are not members of the big media companies?
  2. As a Registered News Organization, why was I required to fill out a motion to film?
  3. Is a motion required each time I wish to film a trial?
  4. If a motion IS required each time I wish to film a trial, why must I be registered with the SJC?
  5. If a motion is NOT required each time I wish to film a trial, why was one required today?

I anticipate your response with answers to each of the questions I’ve asked.

In Peace, Freedom, Love & Liberty,
Darryl W. Perry

KHS Students Gather for a Free Tibet

tibet_chinaprToday Keene High School’s Students for a Free Tibet chapter stood for hours after noon holding signs and flags in support of the rights of the people of Tibet. The Himalayan region has been occupied by the PRC since 1951, and was more militarized and repressed after an unsuccessful uprising in 1959. March 10 marks the fifty-fourth year since the deflected revolution. Al Jazeera reports that in neighboring Nepal, police have cracked down on Tibetan activists on the eve of the anniversary. On February 13, a Tibetan monk self-immolated at a restaurant in Kathmandu. A sign of the desperation of the people is the widespread practice of self-immolation, with over 100 instances since 2009, resulting in over 40 deaths. Literally around the corner from where today’s gathering was held, a New Hampshire father self-immolated over a custody dispute at the Cheshire Superior Court.

Parking Enforcers Steal and Destroy Robin Hood Cards

Robin Hood Cards Destroyed

Unfortunately, the parking enforcers of Keene have resorted to theft and destruction of property as a new attempt to thwart Robin Hood of Keene, a development that I view as further evidence of Robin Hooding’s effectiveness. I was given the following stack of cards in late February from an enforcer who informed me that they were removing them from vehicles and ripping them up. I then shot the video below in which a parking enforcer of the city of Keene removed some of our cards from a vehicle and threw them in the trash. I decided to wait to release this footage to see if the enforcers reformed their ways, but since the card removal appears to be continuing if a Robin Hooder is not with the enforcer, I decided to release the footage. Robin Hooders been told that this practice was occurring and have witnessed it prior, but did not have any footage of it until now.

AKPF Comments/Ratings Removed by Doctor

davidberman_xDr David Berman‘s recent youtube video starring myself and fellow Merry Man Graham had its comments and ratings disabled earlier today. David approached the Merry Men on Tuesday and proceeded to use names like ‘idiot’, ‘jerk’, and ‘knucklehead’ to degrade those Robin Hooding. Perhaps he was surprised at the number of responses his video received disapproving of his ad-hominem fuelled confrontation. As usual, comments and ratings remain unrestricted on the higher-quality video of the interaction produced by the Aqua Keene Parking Force. Below is a video I quickly assembled upon finding David’s feedback tools disabled.