Sedition is Sexy Episode 2
I have gotten so used to having my camera groped at by authoritative busybodies that I am beginning to feel as though I should question my relative comfort with it. The first article featured on this blog was about a police officer who couldn’t keep his hands off of my phone when it was acting as an audio streaming device. Since then, I’ve had a previous camera clutched so firmly that it automatically powered off, in an escapade that traveled the blogosphere during the first annual lemonade freedom day. My Canon Vixia’s design is much more rugged and durable than the previous Nikon Coolpix I used to utilize for Free Concord videos. And I appreciate the upgraded zoom capabilities and high definition 16:9 widescreen frame. Today, as I celebrated International Chalk the Police day with others, my camera withstained a push from a Keene city parks and recreation director Andrew Bohannon, as he fumbled to conceal his identity from chalkers. After activists had covered most of the central square park in liberty oriented slogans and quotes, a man driving around the rotary yelled from his vehicle at the chalkers to stop. Myself and others waved and invited the person to join us for Chalk the Police day. Moments later, I noticed a man with a phone who had walked up onto the square and begun speaking with people, phone in hand, and an identification swinging from his neck. (more…)
Maryellen McGorry, principal of Manchester West High School, was suspended some time last week. The story was broken earlier today by the Union Leader, which provided no explanation for the former prosecutor turned administrator’s sudden suspension. The UL quotes Manchester mayor Ted Gatsas, who publicly announced the penalty. McGorry has been the principal at West since 2007. Jason Talley is keeping tabs on the latest developments over at Free Concord readers may recognize Maryellen McGorry from her role as a witness for the prosecution in prosecutor Michael Valentine’s theatrical performance State v Adam Mueller.
Oct 1 2012: Another speculative article by the Union Leader.
If you’re familiar with Derrick J Freeman, one of New Hampshire’s most prolific liberty activists, then you might have seen some of his videos over at His channel has over eleven hundred subscribers, but an analogous channel which he had launched a day earlier gets far less traffic despite publishing exponentially more content. The Fr33manTVraw youtube channel has under 50 subscribers and has amassed just over a hundredth of the total views of the channel dedicated to more polished cuts.
Earlier this month, while Derrick was visiting Keene to attend the theatrical premiere of his documentary, he collaborated on some filming expeditions with myself and others in the area. With so much raw footage and no central repository for all of it, he graciously opened up his raw channel to use by other activist videographers. Since receiving the invite, I’ve archived a great deal of raw video files from different events covered previously on Free Concord. With a number of videojournalists depositing media on the same channel, it also gives you the opportunity to see an event from multiple angles. For those who wish to see beyond what is edited down for your convenience, stop by Fr33manTVraw and see hours of uncut footage organized by event into playlists.
Or, if you prefer only finished products, continue to enjoy Free Concord’s youtube channel, FreeConcordTV.
This is my first episode of my new show Sedition Is Sexy where I introduce myself! Look for an episode at the least each week! I look forward to your comments and observations!
Kal Penn and John Cho, aka Harold and Kumar’s recent visit to Keene State College has been documented by the school’s publication My “forwarded” question to the campaigning duo, which was the subject of my article on the event, is discussed in the Equinox article. I am quoted as well. Curiously enough, the content of my question is not included. See the article from yesterday at the Equinox’s page: