by Ian | Sep 27, 2015 |
This year’s Legislative Panel at Keenevention will be an all-star, featuring FOUR A+ rated reps and one A rated rep, according to the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance‘s 2015 ratings.
Free State Project early mover Mike Sylvia has been mainstay for liberty in the state house since 2012, and naturally was given an A+ rating by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance for his pro-freedom voting record. Join Mike and his panel of distinguished activists in the legislative field for this year’s Legislative Panel at Keenevention! Panelists to include JR Hoell, an A rated rep from Dunbarton & Bow, Dan Itse, the A+ rated Legislator of the Year from Fremont, Jim Spillane, the A+ rated rep from Nottingham, and Jim McConnell, the A+ rated rep from Swanzey.
Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.
Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more speaker announcements (you can sign up for emails when the blog has new posts using the signup box in the right column). You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter, Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.
by Ian | Sep 18, 2015 |

Keenevention 2015 Schedule Pic
Here’s the official schedule for Keenevention 2015! As always, events are subject to change – but this schedule should be close to final. If you’ve got google calendar, it’s easy to integrate it with yours.
In addition to the in-hotel panels and keynote speeches, there are a bunch of other things you can do during Keenevention. You can get out of the hotel and explore the Keene area, go to social events like a bonfire and the HALLOWKEENE costume dance party, and even take part in activism like Robin Hooding and Cop Block. Here’s the full list of outside-the-hotel activities.
Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.
by Ian | Sep 17, 2015 |

Keenevention Jury Nullification Panel 2015
Keenevention is just six weeks away now and the Keenevention blog has been busy announcing full panels. First up are the Ladies Panel, Media Panel, and the first-ever Jury Nullification Panel. There are eleven panels and three keynote speakers lined up for 2015, so there are eight more full panel announcements coming!
Since only selected Keenevention updates are shown here at Free Keene, stay tuned to the Keenevention blog (you can sign up for email updates when you go there) so you don’t miss anything. You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter, Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.
Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.
by Ian | Sep 4, 2015 |

Gavin Andresen, Bitcoin’s Head Developer
When the anonymous “Satoshi Nakamoto” released Bitcoin to the world, Satoshi chose a successor as the “core maintainer”, aka chief developer of the open source, decentralized, non-governmental internet money. Gavin Andresen was Satoshi’s pick.
I’m excited to announce that Keenevention’s Bitcoin Panel will feature Gavin Andresen this year! Yes, the rules are being bent to allow Gavin to speak at Keenevention, as he’s not currently living in New Hampshire, but instead in nearby Amherst, MA.
It’s a very important time for the Bitcoin Panel, as the bitcoin community is currently divided over a possible “fork” in the bitcoin programming. Gavin and another core developer are currently debating with three other core bitcoin developers over the future of how bitcoin will (or won’t) scale up to meet an ever-increasing market. The debate is heated, and now the decision on the future of bitcoin is in the hands of its miners. Can Gavin and his supporters sway the miners to make the switch to his new software, BitcoinXT?
Keenevention’s Bitcoin Panel is taking place in the midst of this strife within the bitcoin community. If you have questions for Gavin, Keenevention 2015 is a perfect opportunity to ask them on-stage or off.
Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.
Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more announcements, including more panels and another keynote speaker. You can also follow Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.
by Ian | Aug 31, 2015 |
Foundation for New Hampshire Independence board member Robert Mathias reprises his role as the host of the Secession Panel at Keenevention! How can we bring secession to the forefront? Bring your questions for his panel of secession advocates. Panelists to be announced.
Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.
Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more announcements, including more panels and another keynote speaker. You can also follow Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.
by Ian | Aug 24, 2015 |
Due to Keenevention hitting an arbitrary limit with our bitcoin payment provider, Bitpay, bitcoin ticketing was down for a few days. Bitpay lifted the account limitation today, so I have restored the bitcoin options to the Tickets page. Keenevention is this October 31st through November 1st in Keene. Here are the bitcoin ticket purchase links, for your convenience:
Full Access Ticket – just $60 USD worth of BTC
VIP Ticket – $120 USD worth of BTC