AKPF #1 – Conspiritual

princejohn_clockworkelvesAKPF #1 episode 10: Conspiritual breaks new ground with fresh submissions obtained from the official Keene city bureaucrats. The first portion of the program sees Prince John and Jester Mullins take to the floor and lay out their conspiracy delusions for the entertainment of the civilian population. The videos obtained by and aired on AKPF #1 demonstrate a pattern of irrational paranoia on the part of high ranking officials, as CoK agents tipped their hand en route down the rabbit hole by accusing Robin Hood and the Merry (wo)Men of a civil conspiracy. After Prince John relays his account of recent history involving PKD, DMT, and clockwork elves, his jester sends a firm warning to renowned film director Robert Rodriguez regarding his Machete action/adventure series. Also included are updates from rapper Xstrav arrested for drinking iced tea and a trailer for FreeConcord’s Occupied Chicago: The NATO Summit Protest Tapes, which is scheduled to broadcast on Cheshire TV’s mature after-hours programming block soon.

1. 00:10 Opening Black/Death Metal Music
2. 01:47 Alex Jones introduces new revelations from CoK city bureaucrats and fans
3. 02:30 A royal proclamation by Prince John introduced by city crier
4. 02:44 Predictions of a new world globalist conspiracy order are imagined by Prince John
5. 05:03 Peace Tea clockwork elves cans
6. 05:48 Colt 45 40s in the 40s (and 50s)
7. 12:07 Court Jester Mullins issues a dire warning to acclaimed film director Robert Rodriguez.
8. 13:36 Machete with a special cinco de mayo message for Arizona
9. 14:12 Introducing Don Johnson
10. 16:45 FOX corporate makes a boatload of money on all of it (more…)

AKPF Guests Black Sheep Rising

2013_07_22_akpfThere are rumblings of a conspiracy theory afoot in Keene — following the official declaration of conspiracy by the city’s hired legal counsel, now the lucrative criminal masterminding has affected the broadcast schedule of AKPF #1. Keene’s favorite local variety series will not air this week, as it has been replaced by a highlights reel of AKPF #1 series producers Garret and James’ appearance on Black Sheep Rising, another locally produced entertainment series. Black Sheep Rising is unique in that it is not subject to broadcast “decency standards”, as it normally airs in the after-hours programming slot on Cheshire TV. The regularly risque media has been sanitized for daytime viewing standards in this family-friendly rendition of BSR to be aired in this week’s AKPF #1 time slot. Discover all sorts of unconventional wisdom and news happenings from the Robin Hooding crew in the BSR episode 07 redux. Tune in to AKPF #1 next week to see the global conspiracy episode, in which Prince John and Jester Mullins lay out their visionary concerns.

Yes Thomas Mullins, Reputation is Important

Solidarity-sunset3-copblockYesterday – July 18th – was Chalk the Police State in solidarity with the “Sunset 3” who, in June, were arrested by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department employees for using children’s chalk to write pro-police accountability statements on the public sidewalk.

As Kelly Patterson wrote:

on June 8th, I along with two other members of the Sunset Activist Collective were cited during a Nevada Cop Block monthly protest for “graffiti” while listing the crimes and paying tribute to the many victims of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. After nine months of “Second Saturdays” and other events calling for the accountability that is sorely missing within Las Vegas area police departments, we were told by a “graffiti expert” that drawing with chalk on a sidewalk is now illegal, in spite of us having been explicitly told by some of his own co-workers that sidewalk chalk is in fact legal previously.

Among other things – Patterson and his colleagues hope to draw attention to the fact that no LVMPD employee involved in a shooting has ever been found to be in the wrong. Zero. That, of course, is the accountability had when its said to be provided via internal investigations.

So, as Darryl Perry posted at FreeKeene.com,

Several Keene activists went to Central Square, and then to the sidewalk in front of the KPD “Satellite Office” across the street from the Square. Those who attended chalked pro-liberty messages, and had some pleasant conversations with people walking through the area.


Chalk the Police 2013

July 18, 2013 was National Chalk the Police Day. Several Keene activists went to Central Square, and then to the sidewalk in front of the KPD “Satellite Office” across the street from the Square. Those who attended chalked pro-liberty messages, and had some pleasant conversations with people walking through the area. And, it wouldn’t be Chalk the Police without an interaction involving a Police Officer.


AKPF #1 – Staatspolizei

mickeymousenh_josephdirussoIn an unprecedented developement, the New Hampshire Staatspolizei has joined the ranks of Aqua Keene Parking Force to experience the throes of wiretapping. Supreme sergeant Joseph “Arizona Iced” T Dirusso, unable to locate any impoverished or ethnic minority groups to terrorize, focuses his efforts on criminalizing the Merry Men, wielding the crown’s sword at the behest of justus Edward Burke and Prince John, ever entertained by the mischievous Jester Mullins. Amish Paul provides unique comic relief as the special guest host of episode 09, in preparation for his own parking ticket courtroom tournament.

1. 00:10 Opening Pussy Riot Russian Punk Music
2. 01:47 Amish Paul introduces another riveting installment as special guest host
3. 02:30 Garret explains how the Geheime Staatspolizei have invaded our communities— and already starting swiping people’s stuff that doesn’t belong to them!
4. 03:22 The secretary/legal-para of Tom Mullins contemplates crime
5. 04:23 Accurate memories condemnation
6. 05:02 Justus Edward Burke arrests Ian for standing up
7. 05:17 Justus Edward Burke commits the crime of false report to law enforcement against Ademo
8. 05:53 Garbage arrests at MPD’s Chalking 8 incident brief, Free Stater gang affiliation (more…)

Sentinel Speaks on Latest Paperwork Shufflings


Jon Meyer

Robin Hood of Keene has yet again found itself the front page story (here’s the online version) of another daily edition of the local Sentinel. This entry is much less abrasive than others past from our friends and foes at the information clearinghouse on West Street. Kyle Jarvis presents a straightforward analysis of some of the constitutional issues at hand, having read both the city’s hired-gun memorandum and free speech attorney Jon Meyer’s solid response. Recently, five of the six individuals named in the lawsuit opted for the generously offered legal services of Jon Meyer, a veteran advocate for civil rights who has won cases before both the state and imperial supreme court.

Yesterday at Free Keene was posted copies of the memorandums recently filed, which points out the ridiculous new element being levied against Robin Hood and friends by the city of Keene. A new low has been reached by the city as they are now introducing conspiracy theorizing into the case by alleging “civil conspiracy“. According to the city, the goal of Robin Hooding is not to reduce the number of penalties imposed upon the good people of Keene, but to mullens_conspiracypsychologically manipulate parking enforcers into quitting their jobs, amounting to a secret conspiracy. Our principled attorney obliterates this assertion in his critical response, highlighting how the city is without standing, and seeking legal relief in contradiction of previous precedents. We shall see if the judge is amused by such cliché, deluded ramblings as conspiracy theories being introduced into the court by the jester and his legal cortege. (more…)