Area Man Harangues Activists, Blocks Traffic to Save Parking Enforcer from Robin Hooders

Who is the parking meter-lover (and lady friend) haranguing Robin Hooders in this video? He attempts to intimidate Christopher Cantwell by invading his personal space, threatens to engage in disorderly conduct by blocking someone’s path, then actually engages in disorderly conduct by purposefully obstructing traffic (going about 5 MPH) in order to save the meter maid from being followed by liberty activists.

If you thought you’d seen it all when it comes to Robin Hooding, wait until you get a load of this guy and his lady friend. (One local says she used to be a parking enforcer herself, which would explain his behavior.)

Spirit of Robin Hood Revived in Keene

Tonight’s episode of ShireTV featured multiple angles of video from the premiere gathering of Robin Hood’s Merry Men in Keene. Robin Hooding is a not so new a form of activism in the Keene area, but Saturday was the first time that a coordinated effort of more than two or three activists organized to prevent the parking enforcement officer from being able to distribute paper fines. The video embedded above features multiple videographers’ content and opens with narration from Free Concord’s Garret Ean.robinhood_chicago

At Fr33manTVraw, playlists feature all footage captured by individual video artists. Linked there you can see unedited footage from Darryl Perry, Garret Ean, James Cleaveland, and Chris Cantwell. Other edited segments have already been created from the raw content, including these two videos previously featured on Free Keene from Chris Cantwell. Recent other Robin Hooding has occurred on Dec 26, Dec 31, and Jan 2. Garret Ean and Pete Eyre had a Mexican standoff of videocameras with a parking enforcer when they came across her parking van, as usual, parked at an expired meter on December 28. The parking enforcer encountered on January 5 by the group, Jane, was the most intriguing enforcer yet, interacting with activists despite their open opposition to her official activities. Alan, the male enforcer, has previously refused to answer questions and has made distasteful faces when around activists.

Cynthia Chase’s Free Stater-Hating Makes Union Leader Front Page

The biggest paper in NH, the Union Leader, has splashed the Cynthia Chase story to their front page. That story is in print-only, but here’s a related story by their political reporter:

FRIDAY, JAN. 4: GOING VIRAL. A Democratic state lawmaker’s recent web post critical of the libertarian-leaning Free State Project has gone virtually viral in the past few days and, as one might expect, has drawn criticism. (more…)

Santa Claus Arrested for Chalking in Austin

Santa Claus, also known by his friends as James Peterson, was arrested after spreading holiday cheer and chalk with young people in front of the Texas capitol building on the 21st. An occupy activist who was giving out chalk to children while dressed as Santa was well received in the plaza, but as he left, Texas DPS officers chased him down and handcuffed him. The crowd appears shocked, one woman yelling out in confusion, “You’re arresting Santa Claus?!”


The jolly red man asks numerous times, “Why am I being arrested?” After a minute, they tell him that he was chalking the sidewalk. A few in the crowd having filmed the entire time tell police that everyone was chalking, to which a female officer states, “You’re the only report that we got of chalking.” (more…)

Fred Parsells, Keene’s Petty Tyrant

This post was originally published to on Dec. 19th, 2012.

Many folks who reside in Keene are aware of the petty harassment doled out by Fred Parsells.

A former Keene police employee, Parsells now claims a “legitimate” right to be a nosy bother to his neighbors due to his occupation as a code enforcer.

Fortunately a lot of thinking individuals have concluded that when the initiation of force or its threat is utilized, whether “officially” sanctioned or not, the person initiating is in the wrong.

There’s much I love about Keene. Yet I could do without the countless iterations of force threatened or initiated by Fred Parsells.


Palmer, MA Court Security Freaks Out on Camera-Toting Activists

Back in October, I was arrested by Palmer, MA police officer Raymond Tenczar for “disorderly conduct”, for the terrible crime of operating a video camera in town hall. In case you missed the arrest video, here it is.

This morning was the “pre-trial conference” and eight liberty activists from Keene got up bright and early and joined four other liberty-lovers from Massachusetts at Palmer District Court. It was an eventful morning! Nearly every liberty activist was threatened by court staff for trying to bring in cameras, wearing hats, and other non-offenses. The insanity began immediately upon entry to the security area of the courthouse, where half-a-dozen court security agents flipped out over multiple activists entering with their cameras. One officer even came running down the hall and another rolled up quickly in his cruiser to “assist” their cohorts in crushing any hope of transparency or allowing the public to see what goes on inside the court building. Shire TV‘s James Cleaveland was even assaulted by one of the swarming officers as he grabbed at James’ camera. (more…)