New Hampshire Red Flag Laws Have Got To Go

The following article was written by a friend of Free Keene anonymously. Please enjoy.

The Live Free or Die state has garnered a reputation for being extraordinarily pro-gun over the past few years. New Hampshire is either the best state in the union for gun rights or it’s tied with one or more other states for the coveted top spot. Granite Staters never need a permit to carry any firearm concealed or openly, and courts are the only places where guns aren’t allowed. The state government doesn’t restrict any magazines, ammunition, or accessories, and local governments in the state can’t do anything to restrict gun rights, either. Upon deeper analysis, however, one may find that New Hampshire is far from the best state for gun owners and supporters of liberty and due process. In fact, it may be the most tyrannical state in the union when it comes to the confiscation of firearms by police. 


Secession Bill Returns – With a $40 Trillion Twist, Public Hearing 1/12 @ 9:30a

State Reps

State Reps

The anti-independence loyalists to the US Empire thought it was over when the historic 2022 bill went down in flames in the state house. However, we were just getting started. Thanks to one brave state rep, the secession bill is back!

Rep. Jason Gerhard has filed CACR 20. Like its predecessor, it proposes to put the question of New Hampshire declaring independence on the ballot as a constitutional amendment. However, Gerhard added a trigger event: if the people pass the amendment, peaceful secession won’t happen until the US National Debt reaches $40 Trillion.


ACLU-NH Online Town Hall with Libertarian Candidate for NH Governor, Darryl W Perry

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Kudos to the ACLU-NH for playing fair and inviting all the ballot-qualified candidates for governor of New Hampshire to their online series focusing on civil liberties. The New Hampshire ACLU chapter has long been a strong advocate of various freedoms and Libertarian for governor Darryl W Perry did a great job in the hour-long discussion. They covered ending the war on drugs, police reform, and various other issues.

You can watch the event at this link, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get access.

Liberty Lobby 2018 – Week 3 Videos

The actual Liberty Lobbyist, Darryl W Perry appears in some of last week’s videos as I was finally able to get into the election committee, where he spends the bulk of his time in Concord’s Legislative Office Building. Here are the hearings I recorded from last week:

HB 1431 would prevent police from acquiring any equipment not available on the open market. I spoke in favor. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 1815 would partially undo cannabis decrim including increasing fines. I spoke against. This is the full hearing video: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 2 Videos

I’m not actually a lobbyist. I don’t get paid to speak in Concord. I have to take time off from work to do it. Darryl W Perry is the Libery Lobbyist and you should support his efforts!

That said, I was in the house Criminal Justice committee last week, as usual. Thursday had a particularly interesting batch of bills including drug defelonization, and abolishing DUI checkpoints.

HB 1283 would eliminate DUI checkpoints in New Hampshire. I spoke in favor. This is the full hearing video:

HB 1678 would change the penalties for first-time drug possession from felonies to misdemeanors. I spoke in favor. This is the full hearing video: (more…)