The Concord (NH) PD has applied for a Lenco BEARCAT, according to the Union Leader, the application states “Groups such as the Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges,” in addition to organized groups, it cited “several homegrown clusters that are anti-government and pose problems for law enforcement agencies.”
The NHCLU Executive Director Devon Chaffee said, “It’s far from clear to us why an armored vehicle would be necessary to address what are generally, by and large, non-violent movements that in fact provide little or no threat to the security of our state.”
Thanks to Devon Chaffee of the NHCLU, I now have a copy of the application, which is being posted for the world to see! (more…)
Keene Police’s prosecutor Jean Kilham is out to get me for being “resident” and not getting a NH driver license, however she knows her case is junk and dropped the criminal charge that was originally filed. Kilham admitted to me that she has now brought her case to the DMV where the burden of proof is lower, since it’s not a court, but an administrative tribunal. Ultimately her goal is the suspension of my so-called “privileges” to drive in the land known as New Hampshire. Her argument for this is not that I am a dangerous driver (never had an accident or conviction for any manner of dangerous operation), but that I’ve been disobedient. In her terminology, I’ve “misused and abused” the roads and system, by choosing to not be a “resident” and therefore not be liable for getting a license or registering cars in NH. Here’s the video of the full hearing:
After a nearly 45 minute verbal throwdown regarding the applicability of the constitution and statutes between Marc Stevens and the DMV hearings administrator, Michael King, King disconnects Marc (more…)
Yesterday while Robin Hooding in Keene, I stopped into the district court while another person held a camera. Asking the receptionist about when information will be released relative to my case, I was told that the original ‘return date’ of unsealing was scheduled for July 26. For some reason, the unsealing was delayed until August 6. Are the authorities buying themselves more time to avoid the inevitable accountability check? It is also unclear whether the information release will be accompanied by the release of my Canon Vixia camera. Video from the day continues to upload to a playlist at Fr33manTVraw (see the court update from yesterday embedded below). For more info from this incident, check out Pete Eyre’s original post NH Bureaucrats Conspire to Censor Garret Ean at CopBlock, as well as the ninth episode of AKPF #1, which was largely dedicated to this topic.
For starters, patients can’t grow their own cannabis, there will only be 4 dispensaries in the entire State, and patients will be forced to pay a yearly fee to have a “therapeutic cannabis” ID card, not to mention that such dispensaries will not be open for quite some time.
Some people are making a big deal over the fact that PTSD was specifically removed, however better terminology (“traumatic brain injury, or one or more injuries that significantly interferes with daily activities as documented by the patient’s provider”) was added.
The legislation does not allow for anyone in NH who is not a “resident” to be treated as a “Visiting qualifying patient” (The law defines a “Visiting qualifying patient” as a patient with a qualifying medical condition who is not a resident of New Hampshire or who has been a resident of New Hampshire for fewer than 30 days and is not eligible to purchase therapeutic cannabis in New Hampshire or receive cannabis from a qualifying New Hampshire patient.)
One can only hope that this bill is improved in the next session!
Despite the bill not being optimal, it’s still a step in the direction of more personal freedom and choice. It took much effort on the part of liberty-oriented state reps as well as volunteers at groups like and the NH Coalition for Common Sense, founded by Free State Project participant Matt Simon. Kudos to everyone who worked to make this happen. The next step will hopefully be more legislation that eases up the ridiculous restrictions that Hassan put in this legislation, so patients can access legal cannabis sooner. This current statute forces them to wait until the state’s dispensaries are ready to distribute, which could be years.
Recently I had the “residency” charge against me dropped by Keene police prosecutor Jean M. Kilham. Kilham had wanted me convicted for allegedly being a “resident” and not having gotten an NH driver’s license. In order to convict me, Kilham would have had to have proven I am a resident, which is a legal term that has certain obligations attached to it, like registering cars and getting an NH driver’s license. The most obvious question is what obligation do I have to become a resident at all? Is it simply that men with guns are threatening me? Even by their own rules, RSA 21:6 makes it clear that a different legal status exists in NH’s system called “inhabitant”. It has the exact same definition as resident, but without all the requirements that come with residency (Lots of statues are written to apply only to residents, not inhabitants.) The difference between “resident” and “inhabitant” is that one must intend to be a resident. This is borne out by their own statute, RSA 259:88 that states:
no person shall be deemed to be a resident who claims residence in any other state for any purpose
That makes it pretty clear that residency is a status that people must seek. If I can avoid being an NH resident simply by claiming residency in another state, then that means I would have to change my mind, should I want to become a NH resident. I have yet to see any reason to become an NH resident rather than an inhabitant. It seems to me that residency only comes with obligations and no benefits. If you can think of a benefit, please post a comment.
Kilham admitted to me when she nolle prossed the charge that she was going to send her information to the DMV in NH because the burden of proof is much lower at a DMV administrative hearing. (That’s her admitting she has a lousy case.) She said she hopes they pull my “privileges” to drive for a year. Sure enough, I received a packet of information this week informing me that I am “ordered” to appear on Friday, July 26th at 1pm at the DMV offices in Concord. (more…)