Rebel Love Show Ep 26: Shire Sharing, Voluntaryist Charity in Action


Amanda Bouldin drops by the the Rebel Love studio to discuss her Voluntaryist Charity “Shire Sharing“. Other topics include Keenevention, church of the sword, Amanda running unopposed as a Democrat for state rep, socially awkward liberty folk in the Shire, peaceful parenting in the project, and the ghost of Pedro! Amanda is walking the walk with a charity that operates outside of the state. Please consider donating to Shire Sharing today! Shire Sharing’s bitcoin wallet to donate to is: 1CBr5J9vPMVzf5S22vdMUXkcLw8p4w7JgU

The Rebel Love Show is a once a week broadcast from Manchester NH and is available on Itunes, Stitcher, and youtube.

Rebel Love Show Ep: 24 The “Anarchist State Rep”


Recorded October 8th, 2014

Entrepreneur, state rep, early FSP mover and bitcoin advocate Mark Warden joins the Rebel Love Show in studio. Topics discussed include the panels at Keenevention that myself, Joel, Shire Dude, and Mark all are participating in. Other topics discussed on the show included NH Independence outreach activism, Mark’s experience in the state house, Free Staters that will get to the state house this year, and Mark’s journey to the Shrie. This was also Joel’s last episode as a co-host of the Rebel Love Show.  For the podcast listeners and LRN.FM fans, the show starts off with a little bonus content. The Rebel Love Show is available for download on itunes, stitcher, or your favorite podcast app.

New Hampshire Independence Outreach in Manchester

10252020_340496072792082_8012370305617794302_nOn September 25th, 2014 myself and Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl set out to talk to local Manchester residents. We went to the local farmers market near downtown to discuss the idea of New Hampshire Independence. We brought with us Foundation for New Hampshire Independence flyers. Unfortunately it was a low turn out at the farmers market. We roughly passed out close to a hundred flyers in an hour and a half time. The goal of this activism was to build up the culture of a free Independent New Hampshire among the average person. There were multiple great conversations on the idea and many people were receptive. There is more outreach planned for the near future.

Rebel Love Show Ep: 23 The Best thing to Happen to Objectivism since Ayn Rand


Recorded October 1st, 2014
Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl finally joins the Rebel Love Show in studio. Topics discussed on this week’s episode include the panels that Rob, Shire Dude, and Lauren are apart of at this year’s Keenevention, NH Independence outreach, Lauren’s journey through the FSP, are Objectivist cowards?, Shire Dude and Rob discover they had similar first days in the Shire and share mover stories involving Lauren, Anarcho-Objectivist?, and Rob and Lauren discuss their polyamory life style.

Rebel Love Show ep: 22 Independence is not Impossible.


Rebel Love Show comes back from hiatus with in studio guest Mattheus von Guttengberg.  Topics discussed include recent Cop Block activism in Manchester, recent Free Staters being elected in the primary, Scottish Independence, getting new signers on the west coast, future NH Independence outreach, Keenevention, FreeCoast Festivial, current price drop in bitcoin, and an announcement on Joel’s future plans. All Rebel Love Show archives can be found at 

Free Staters Win Primaries Statewide Despite Attacks

Garcia Phony Sign

Photo of hater sign, courtesy the hater’s facebook.

Despite various all-out-attacks against them, several Free State Project participants won both Democrat and Republican primaries statewide. One day prior to Tuesday’s primary election, Miscellany Blue published a handy list of several FSP participants whose election contests were being “watched”.

Of the seven races they were watching, four were wins for the liberty activists, including two democrat incumbents, Tim O’Flaherty and Michael Garcia. In his race for Manchester state rep for Wards 4-7, incumbent democrat Tim O’Flaherty received a solid third place out of five contenders. The first and second placed opponents only got 26% each compared to O’Flaherty’s 24%. O’Flaherty says that local haters spent a fair amount of money to mail flyers to all registered dems, promoting three other candidates. However, O’Flaherty says that what happened to him was nothing compared to the all-out-attack on Michael Garcia.

Michael Garcia (no relation to US Senate candidate Marilinda Garcia) is a Keeniac-moved-to-Nashua, who, like O’Flaherty won his state rep seat originally in 2012 in Nashua’s Ward 7. Local haters were caught by surprise in 2012 and this year mobilized against him with large signs calling the democrat liberty activist who moved several years ago from Florida, a “phony”. Plus, they were distributing an attack flier at the polling site. Despite the desperate push against him, Garcia prevailed, beating the last place contender by 30 votes. Garcia received 16% putting him in third place out of four, with the fourth place person receiving 12%.

The other races that Miscellany Blue were watching included Elizabeth Edwards who received a solid first place finish in Manchester’s Ward 4! She scored 41% of the vote compared to the second place finisher’s 34%. Manchester’s Amanda Bouldin (the founder of Shire Sharing) also made it through in a close race for state rep in Ward 5 where she finished second with 25% – the runner-up had 22%.

YOLO James CleavelandIn Keene, despite valiant efforts, James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland lost his race for state rep to political newcomer William Pearson, who in a Keene Sentinel interview claimed to be a “real democrat”, whatever that means. Pearson received 102 votes in Keene’s Ward 1 compared to Cleaveland’s 30 votes (23%). The good news out of this race is that turnout in Ward 1 was down from 9% in 2012 to 7% in 2014, meaning that either Cleaveland’s opposition did nothing to try to stop him, or if they did, any efforts they made to try to turn out the vote were total failures. (more…)