A normal night across America is a normal night for activists in the Shire


Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

DUI checkpoints have become a normal way of life across America.  The violation of the fourth amendment is common place where people have become domesticated to the idea that police have the authority to stop and search you for simply 10570327_10152125834901618_1466585235351947903_ntraveling under the guise of “safety”.   In New Hampshire, it has become common place for dozens upon dozens of activists to take out cameras and show their opposition to the police.   On the night of 7-25-14, roughly 30 plus activists took part in warning motorists of the check point and confronting police about their illegal activity.  By yourself in any other part of America, this would be considered crazy and unsafe.  In New Hampshire, showing resistance and opposition to the police state is just a normal night.

Cops Punish Driver for Supporting Activists

Last night there was a DUI checkpoint in Manchester. This is a federally-funded program. Some activists held signs to warn drivers of the impending stop so that they could avoid it. One man who appreciated this honked his horn in support, and he was arrested. Here is the video of that arrest:

Here are the full raw videos from that night:

Free Manchester Raw Youtube channel

Myself,  fellow Free Keene blogger Joel Valenzuela, activist Andrew Vermiglio (Shire Dude), and other Manchester activists have been uploading content to our raw unedited youtube channel called Free Manchester Raw.  Some video is great for stock footage other content covers activism and life in from our perspectives living in Manchester and traveling the Shire.  All content that we upload is intended to be used by any one who wishes to edit videos.  Below are playlist from the last two DUI check point Cop Blocking efforts in Manchester as well as footage taken at Porcfest 2014 and Operation Arcadia – NH Independence.

Porcfest playlist:


AKPF #1: Checkmark Charliepoint

This week’s installment of AKPF #1 is entitled Checkmark Charliepoint and features footage from on the ground in Manchester, New Hampshire on the evening of a controversial police traffic control checkpoint. ALso featured are the latest updates from the Shire Dude series and news from Derrick J, Rich Paul, and Dave Ridley.

0:00 Cheshire TV warning disclaimer
0:10 Obamacoin southbound on I-93 in Hooksett take em to the bank
1:22 DFW DUI checkpoint in Manchester inquisition
4:49 All the people holding signs
5:50 Decending into the checkpoint charlie
6:55 Captain Hopkins at your protect and service
11:48 Heading back on foot
16:20 Shire Dude episode post-doge 03
21:16 Derrick J interviews Rich Paul after his release from jail after 36 days for alleged violation of probation
24:31 Ridley analyzes the camera seizing activities of police in Cheshire County, Keene, New Hampshire’s North Korea DPRK
28:50 End credits disclaimers