Manchester Jury Nullification Outreach Gaining Steam


Early on Monday, June 2nd, a hardy band of Manchester activists met outside the Hillsborough County courthouse to distribute pamphlets to jurors. These pamphlets contain information regarding jury nullification rights, and by informing jurors of their right to find defendants not guilty of victimless crimes we could save lives. Among the activists present were Free Keene bloggers Pete Eyre, Robert Mathias, and yours truly.


jury3Many of the jurors, however, had already received nullification pamphlets. Several of them came to court carrying the exact same pamphlets we were handing out. That means that our activism efforts haven’t been in vain, that people are taking their jury nullification rights seriously. We’re starting to have an impact.

One simple act of rights education. Consistent repetition. That’s all it takes to make a difference. What’re you waiting for?

Free Staters and the NH chapter of the AFP protested Governor Hassan’s bill signing ceremony.

On May 20th, 2014 NH Governor Maggie Hassan used the back drop of a highway construction site to sign into law an increase on the state tax on gas.  This was most likely done to show that they plan on using the extra stolen funds to finish a project that was already started with stolen funds. Further, NH State Troopers were used to shut down the highway when the Governor and the rest of the participants in the signing ceremony were traveling from the staging area to the construction site.  Free Staters in collaboration with the NH chapter of Americans for Prosperity joined in a protest of this increased theft by the state.  Even though many with in the liberty community disagree with some positions of the AFP(this blogger included), there is a benefit when working toward common goals.   Especially when that goal is to reject theft at the hands of the state.   I hope to see more collaborative work among Free Staters and any group or organization that shares the same goals of a specific issue.  Free Keene bloggers Joel Valenzuela and Rich Paul were also took part in this protest.

Manchester Activists Rock Jury Nullification Outreach


What are you doing on a bright Monday morning? Grabbing that coffee before work? Sleeping in on your day off? Turning out to inform scores of jurors of their right to nullify bad laws?

If the last one sounds like your morning, odds are you turned out to jury nullification outreach in Manchester, New Hampshire. Every other week, a band of dedicated activists shows up and passes out literature informing jurors of their right to vote “not guilty” in order to nullify bad laws.


Dozens of citizens participate as jurors as part of a required “civic duty.” Unfortunately, all too often jurors end up sending their fellow citizens who have never hurt anyone behind bars, feeling they have no choice but to convict of a victimless “crime.” As it turns out, in New Hampshire the rights of jurors to vote “not guilty” and nullify bad laws is well-protected, even though few jurors know about this right. That’s why it’s imperative to make time to get out there and inform jurors. It’s one way we can make a difference. It could save someone’s life.


It’s a few minutes out of your morning. All you have to do is show up with a smile on your face and pass out informative literature. You have everything to gain. What do you have to lose?

Rebel Love Show Episode 8

Infamous Manchester activist Liberty Carrots comes on the Rebel Love Show to talk about his past experiences as a law enforcement officer, and his current work keeping police accountable.

Rebel Love Show Episode 7

Rebel Love Show episode 7 was released this week.  Bitcoin expert Mattheus von Guttenberg  stops by the studio to talk bitcoin in the Manchester area and the conversations goes into our disdain for the police, transhumanism, privacy, and online dating from a liberty perspective.   The show is also available to download as a podcast.