Agora Cab Runs on Bitcoin

Need a ride around New Hampshire? Agora Cab does a great job shuttling people around efficiently at far cheaper rates than more traditional cab services. While primarily based out of Manchester, Agora Cab frequently goes to and from Keene, and has been a lifeline for activists seeking to travel between the two. Also, Bitcoin is their preferred mode of payment, so if you’re looking to keep government money out of the transaction, you’re in luck.

When my car was out of commission because the state took my plates, I heavily relied on Agora Cab to get to and from work without completely depleting my financial reserves. It just goes to show the power of the community in voluntarily providing a valuable service that the state regulates; or, in my case, completely removes.

Free Keene Bloggers Start New Show

In April I’m starting the Rebel Love Show with fellow Free Keene blogger Robert Mathias.

Our goal is to showcase what’s going on here in the Free State in a friendly and casual manner. We really want to show what a great community we have here and highlight the can-do attitude of activists the state over with the ultimate goal of getting more people to move out.

The Rebel Love Show will air once a week, and will have a blog section with constant updates about happenings in the Free State community. Stay tuned at!

Minimum Wage is too Damn High

On Tuesday March 25th, 2014, five activists from Manchester including myself and Free Keene DSC00021blogger Joel Valenzuela drove to Nashua to protest the rally to raise minimum wage.  According to the Nashua Telegraph, Vice President Joe Biden was to be speaking at the event.  Unfortunately, Joe Biden did not show.  However, neither did anyone else.  The crowd consisted mostly of activists from Manchester, a friend of the Free State Project (who none of us had ever met), and the local media. The most interesting part of the event was how the “show” went on.  There was no real reason to do a political presentation to just protesters, yet they did it anyways.  The Union Leader interviewed us and mentioned the protest in their article.



Welcome to Our Newest Blogger From Manch, Joël Valenzuela!

valenzuelaFree Keene welcomes Joël Valenzuela as our newest blogger! Joël is one of the prime content creators in Manchester and he joins existing Manch bloggers Robert Mathias, JJ Schelessinger, and William Kostric to help feature some of the great activism happening there that has gone woefully unreported. Here’s his bio from the Bloggers page:

Joël moved to New Hampshire for the Free State Project in September of 2013 after making a promise to always be on the front lines of liberty. He runs The Desert Lynx blog and writes for numerous other publications. Valenzuela’s undergraduate education is in Statesmanship, and his postgraduate in Global Affairs. He worked for over a decade in public policy for such organizations as the Goldwater Institute, the Alliance for School Choice, the Cato Institute, the Leadership Institute, Americans for Prosperity, and the Western Center for Journalism. When not running The Desert Lynx, Valenzuela is a full-time martial arts instructor.

Open Carry and Free Speech Activism at the Manchester Airport

On the morning of March 20th, 2014, Joe “Liberty Carrots,” Nemi Jones, Riaz Kahan and I went to the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport to support the First and SecondAmendments to the United States Constitution.  Joe was the creative star of this activism effort, stopped multiple times by airport security and threatened with arrest for handing out free copies of the monthly liberty newspaper FPPNews from Free Press Publications.

No airport security agents or police questioned the fact that Joe was open-carrying a rifle. They did, however, take great issue with our exercise of free speech and expression:

Nashua Telegraph Covers Manch Airport Gunman Story

Airport Gunman MooseEarlier today Manchester liberty activist, Liberty Carrots, visited Manch airport for about 45 minutes with a rifle strapped to his back.  Free Keene broke the news earlier today.  Thanks to Bradford Randall of the Nashua Telegraph for filing this report, which includes excerpts from Carrots’ interview with the reporter.

Here’s the story from the Telegraph.  And here’s a picture of Liberty Carrots having fun with the airport moose: