On February 6th, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Emerson Lyons Jr., a tow truck driver employed by Emerson’s Towing And Repair, which can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/EmersonsTowing, arrived on Gilbo Avenue to tow a vehicle that Parking Enforcement Officer Jane Vigneau had called in for what is assumed to be unpaid extortion fees, more commonly referred to as parking tickets. The moment the tow truck driver stepped out of his door, he threatened to knock my teeth out for filiming him in public, from twenty feet away. He can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/emerson.lyons
While I generally try to refrain from resorting to name calling, I did refer to this individual as a “fucking loser” towards the end of the interaction, which given the circumstances was certainly justified but still not entirely appropriate or intelligent of me.
In some positive news, this interaction occurred due to the fact that I’m Robin Hooding again, and will be nearly every day of the week for the foreseeable future!
To the officer of the Keene Police Department that’s been assigned to reading this article, I don’t want charges of any kind filed against Emerson Lyons Jr., and I will not be cooperating with your criminal organization in any capacity on this matter.
During a DUI checkpoint in 2013, Cop Block Radio‘s Eric Freerock was arrested for “Disobeying an Officer”, which translates to not showing his ID fast enough. It was his first arrest and this was his first trial. Unfortunately he doesn’t challenge the main claim against him, that he “refused” to show ID, which he did not, he simply returned the officer’s request with some questions, and was promptly arrested. Sadly, there is no video of their interaction, though I’ll link to other video of the checkpoint below. Here’s the full trial video from Keene district court – it’s also the first activist trial in the fancy new courthouse:
This informative installment of AKPF #1 takes you all the way to Concord, NH to sit in on the exciting hearing on the wiretapping law for the state, which currently is responsible for granting police the authority to kidnap and rob from innocent human beings under the guise of combating illegal recording. We even hear from bureaucrats who admit their deep-seated fear of recording devices and the individuals who wield them, as well as receiving updates from the cannabis legalization progression in Colorado. In a world where herbs are legal, the ability to make objective records is sure to follow closely behind.
Yesterday’s hearing on proposed changes to New Hampshire’s RSA 570-A, the wiretapping statute, did not take long to become a symposium on Robin Hooding. With the first mention of the practice coming from the bureaucratic spokesperson Ann Rice, representing the Attorney General’s office, two Robin Hooders present (myself and Ian Freeman) also spoke on the bill. The president of the American Federation of Teachers’ New Hampshire chapter, Laura Hainey, denounced Robin Hooders while speaking at the hearing, and even went to so as to fear monger that the Robin Hooders would multiply if negligible codifications to the law were effected.
Essentially, the house bill 1550 is a well intentioned piece of legislation that ultimately changes nothing about the current law. It does attempt to clarify it from its current convoluted and confusing state. For example, the word ‘consent’ appears in the law, yet reading the letter of the law, nothing more than relaying the knowledge that one is being recorded is necessary to make fully legal an audio recording in a setting where one is lawfully permitted to be outside of explicitly public settings. Despite this, even the representative from the attorney general’s office, Ann Rice, continuously referred to the current law as requiring consent from all parties to produce audio recordings. (more…)
Airing on this MLKjr holiday is a very special edition of the late Shire TV program, guest written, directed, and produced by what would be the future crew of AKPF #1, James Cleaveland and Garret Ean. The two were tasked last year with producing an MLK day episode which would be perhaps the most controversial of the series. After a pre-submission airing by one of the Shire TV’s producers, the program was officially banned and censored from the program’s history and replaced with a soft ending episode which misdirects the fluidity of the original creation.
For the first time on Cheshire TV, one year from its originally blocked release, audiences can now enjoy the complete and uncut original episode as its driving creative talents intended it be seen. Enjoy the show, and have a delightfully disobedient Martin Luther King Jr day.