Locals voice support for Manchester Cop Blockers

On the night of August 22, 2014, dozens of activists flooded downtown Manchester NH on the corner of Elm st and Bridge st in order to warn drivers of the unconstitutional check point that was ahead.  Every time this takes place, there is always a strong local support with honking, hand shakes, and words of support.  On this night, I decided to talk to random people enjoying the nightlife of Manchester to see what they thought of the cop blocking that was taking place.  There were also two immigrants from Mexico that had no affiliation with the liberty community but joined with fellow cop blockers.  They have had bad experiences with the police and were ecstatic to join and help people avoid interactions with the police.  I also spoke with the captain that was supervising the check point around three hours into the operation.  I questioned him if there were any courses of action that the Manchester PD could take that did not violate the 4th amendment of the Bill of Rights. Only one person was arrested, which was for a suspended license.

Ian’s Speech At the First NH Gubernatorial Debate (Hassan Chickens Out)

Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of being able to speak for up to ten minutes in front of the first New Hampshire gubernatorial debate. There will be no democrat debate, since both of the other democrat candidates refused to respond to the invitation from Franklin Pierce University. I’m grateful to the organizers at FPU for the opportunity to speak despite the other candidates’ absence.

It’s kind of surreal to watch a voluntarist (me) speak truth to power about the criminal state while standing in front of that very state’s flag (gang insignia), yet, it actually happened:

(And only possible in New Hampshire.)

Here’s the speech in written form: (more…)

Rebel Love Show Episode 16 (7/16/14)

Recorded on July 16th, Neal Connor of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence comes on to talk about independence rallies, peace, love, and Bitcoin.

WARNING: One of our microphones malfunctioned, so the audio quality can be spotty at times.

NH ACLU Files Amicus Brief for Robin Hooders in Supreme Court Case

NH ACLUThe NH ACLU has filed their 42-page amicus in the Robin Hood NH supreme court case.

The NH ACLU’s attorney, Anthony J. Galdieri argues  that the city has no case when they claim Robin Hooders have engaged in “tortious interference”:

In the context of non-violent protests aimed at influencing societal or governmental change, tortious speech is only actionable if it amounts to violent or unlawful conduct.  See Claiborne
Hardware Co., 458 U.S. at 917-18 (holding in context of protest that the state may impose
damages only for violent or unlawful conduct, not for non-violent protected activity, even if
that non-violent protected activity causes economic harm).

The NH ACLU also affirms that the city’s proposed restrictions on Robin Hooders are unconstitutional, including a “buffer zone” where speaking to the meter maids would be prohibited, as would be recording them.  The  proposed restrictions are clear violations of NH Constitution article 8 and 22, which protect the right of people to access a responsive government and protect free speech.

Nor should the city be allowed to handle the Robin Hooders through the courts, says the ACLU: (more…)

Over 550 Bitcoin Flyers Distributed @ Cheshire Fair 2014

Activists Explain Bitcoin and More at Cheshire Fair 2014!

Activists Explain Bitcoin and More at Cheshire Fair 2014!

Wow! What an amazing week at the Cheshire Fair! Sunday was (surprisingly) the busiest day at the fair of the entire week, and may have been the best day I can recall in all three years I’ve done booths at the fair. People were constantly streaming by the booth. As a result, we gave out over 200 Bitcoin fliers today alone, and probably close to 600 BTC fliers throughout the five days of the fair. In fact, we nearly ran out of full-color BTC fliers on Friday and I ordered 400 more black and white flyers from Staples and we gave them ALL out on Saturday and Sunday!

Once the Bitcoin flyers were tapped out on late Sunday afternoon, the crowd (there at that point for the demolition derby) continued to flow by. Chris Cantwell, (who is an amazing talent at doing booth outreach) and I handed out a large stack of CopBlock WARNING fliers. After quickly exhausting that supply, we moved on to handing out NHjury.com and Foundation for NH Independence fliers for the remainder of the event. In total, just Sunday alone, we likely handed out 500 fliers of the above-listed sorts.

Naturally, it was a lot easier to hand out the CopBlock, Independence, or Jury fliers. The reactions to those were almost all positive. Getting the Bitcoin flyers out was more of a challenge, mainly because lots of people attending the Cheshire Fair do not have internet! (We live in the woods.)

Giving away the pro-secession Foundation for NH Independence fliers was especially enjoyable as it was fun to watch New Hampshirites’ eyes light up (more…)