As you may recall from this original video interview with him from 2013 and this followup article, Gary Chase has had his life destroyed by the people calling themselves the “Town of Winchester”. Winchester is a notoriously corrupt place, and this case has plenty of it. There’s a lot to detail, but in short, the town bureaucrats have designs on Gary’s prime real estate in downtown Winchester, and have been attacking him over him storing various equipment and supplies on the property. Despite him attempting to comply with their demands, they come and steal his stuff. Though it was all supposed to go to a scrapyard, Gary says he has evidence that lots of the valuable equipment ended up at the homes of the town bureaucrats. Add to that the years spent in court, $250,000 in liens placed on his properties by the bureaucrats, his divorce (that happened because of the stress placed on them by the Town bureaucrats), and his crippling spine injury, and you have a man left decimated.
In videos just posted, Lauren Canario and her husband Jim Johnson show up with video cameras in 2013 to document the the open theft and destruction of Gary Chase’s property.
This week’s regularly scheduled AKPF #1 presentation has been rescheduled to present instead the presentation of official USA president Barack Obama in his Union of the State address for all citizens (but not all civilians). In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but lacking in caricature silhouettes to adorn the bottom of the screen, the audience is treated to live commentary from a local demographic recorded during an amity gathering. As scripted, the US president painted vast and vivid pictures of bright tomorrows from obfuscatory presents. The crowd was electrified most of the time, which featured politicians and bureaucrats of multiple privileged rankings.
As you may recall, the “City of Keene’s” illegal case against Free Keene blogger and NH native Graham Colson was nearly dismissed from Keene district court, but judge Burke allowed a few days for “the city” to file a motion to reconsider, which they did.
To recap, attorney Meyer had argued that banning Graham from Central Square for skateboarding – without first trying and convicting him of such – was illegal and in violation of due process and separation of powers. Here’s a longer article about that argument.
So, again, the people calling themselves “the City of Keene” have now lost multiple cases against local activists, at who knows what cost to the taxpayers. They lost the trespassing and smoke alarm cases against me, the Robin Hood case, and now their no-trespass orders at Central Sq. have been smacked down by judge Burke. Kudos to Burke for making the right decision again!
The Peace Roundtable was the most well-attended and controversial event at Keenevention 2013. It ran overtime by nearly a half-hour!
Is peace attainable through violence or is peace the only way? Does self-defense against aggressive state agents just make matters worse for future activists? These questions and many from the audience were discussed at the Peace Roundtable featuring Derrick J Freeman, Ian Freeman, and Chris Cantwell:
The tension between parking authorities and the free-staters continues as city officials await for a date to appeal the case against Robin Hood of Keene, this time in front of the state Supreme Court.
Keene officials are not happy with the decision Judge John C. Kissinger Jr. made when he dismissed the case the city had presented against six citizens known as “Robin Hooders.”
The city officials claimed the free-staters had allegedly harassed parking enforcement officers. (more…)
This informative installment of AKPF #1 takes you all the way to Concord, NH to sit in on the exciting hearing on the wiretapping law for the state, which currently is responsible for granting police the authority to kidnap and rob from innocent human beings under the guise of combating illegal recording. We even hear from bureaucrats who admit their deep-seated fear of recording devices and the individuals who wield them, as well as receiving updates from the cannabis legalization progression in Colorado. In a world where herbs are legal, the ability to make objective records is sure to follow closely behind.