NH Governor Mute on State Police Camera Seizure

New Hampshire governor Maggie Hassan was recently ambush interviewed by Dave Ridley multiple times at the same event as she greeted constituents and took photographs with young people. The topic of the interview was the electronics raid exacted on Garret Ean by state police investigator Joseph DiRusso on June 26, which resulted in a 55 day hassan_picakpf1aconfiscation of the device. When the camera was returned on August 19, it had some minor vandalism scribbled on the underside by unknown agents of the state.

Throughout the entire video, the governor of New Hampshire does not once seem to so much as acknowledge Ridley’s presence. After the chief politician is back in her vehicle, Dave turns his camera to her driver, asking if it’s appropriate for the state’s chief executive to ignore the state’s number two most popular youtube channel. He follows his boss’ lead and 2013_06_26_dirussohandalso gives the journalist nothing but a silently bowed head. Maggie Hassan has also been evasive with independent media in the past, including when the topic of the ambush interview asked the newly-inaugurated Hassan about NH independence.

Keene Unfancypants Party presents: Bradford for Mayor

Stumbling into a parking enforcer

Stumbling into AKPF agent

Local political trivialities are warming up as one candidate has gotten ahead of the curve in quickly releasing a mayoral race video entitled Bradford for Mayor through the independently organized Keene Unfancypants Party. The advertisement showcases Bradford’s passion and drive to make a change in the Keene, New Hampshire city government. With no end in sight to politics as usual, Bradford offers choice to the citizenry in this year’s contest for mayordom. You can see special edition videos of Bradford attacking Robin Hooders Garret and Graham on two separate occasions in February of this year from Fr33manTVraw. In the latter footage, Bradford stumbles into a parking enforcement officer before harassing Graham for filming the enforcer. Be sure to share Bradford for Mayor with all municiple voters you know – this election season, education is power!

Lenco Gets a Paycheck, Concord Gets a BEARCAT

myVader-Sert-BearcatConcord police will be receiving a Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck, after an 11-4 vote by the full city council in favor of accepting the military-style vehicle funded by a Department of Homeland Security grant to the Lenco corporation. The fire chief closed the building to many attendees, calling capacity at a reported 70 guests. Drum circles, light shows, sign waving, videography, and socializing occurred in the courtyard outside of the council meeting location on Green Street. Media from around the state observed proceedings both inside and outside of the chambers. Dave Ridley has already posted an ambush interview of Concord police chief John Duval to his youtube channel, in which he asks the top cop if he expected anyone beyond DHS bureaucracy to read his grant application. Ridley’s coverage, from which more is to be expected later, is embedded below.

Tony Schinella’s article at Concord Patch includes quotes from city councilors on both sides the issue, who were reportedly offered copies of Radley Balko’s Rise of the Warrior Cop while they were considering their decision. After word of the vote came out to the crowd, the message on the green beam laser pointed at a nearby steeple read, “BEARCAT FOR SALE CALL 911”. (more…)

PNN: Wisconsin Raw Milk Nullification Victory

vernon_hershberger_m28Derrick J Freeman’s Peace News Now broadcast for Monday, May 27 covered the mostly victorious trial result of Vernon Hershberger, an Amish farmer accused of unlawful distribution of raw cow milk in Wisconsin. The trial lasted a full week, and ended with not guilty findings on three of the four charges against Vernon. Also covered in PNN’s episode #122 is Medea Benjamin’s successful interruption of an Obama event to speak out against the terrorism of drone warfare.