Wiretap Hearing Becomes Robin Hooding Inquiry

Yesterday’s hearing on proposed changes to New Hampshire’s RSA 570-A, the wiretapping statute, did not take long to become a symposium on Robin Hooding. With the first mention of the practice coming from the bureaucratic spokesperson Ann Rice, representing the Attorney General’s office, two Robin Hooders present (myself and Ian Freeman) also spoke on the bill. The president of the American Federation of Teachers’ New Hampshire chapter, Laura Hainey, denounced Robin Hooders while speaking at the hearing, and even went to so as to fear monger that the Robin Hooders would multiply if negligible codifications to the law were effected.

Essentially, the house bill 1550 is a well intentioned piece of legislation that ultimately changes nothing about the current law. It does attempt to clarify it from its current convoluted and confusing state. For example, the word ‘consent’ appears in the law, yet reading the letter of the law, nothing more than relaying the knowledge that one is being recorded is necessary to make fully legal an audio recording in a setting where one is lawfully permitted to be outside of explicitly public settings. Despite this, even the representative from the attorney general’s office, Ann Rice, continuously referred to the current law as requiring consent from all parties to produce audio recordings. (more…)

NH: Face the Facts on Cannabis

cannabis_50_ml_extractLast Friday, January 17, 2014, the state of New Hampshire published a press release regarding the dangers of marijuana (cannabis). In this press release they claim that 9.6% of youth aged 12-17 had reported regular use of cannabis. Joe Harding, the director of the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services (BDAS) is quoted using the words “disturbing” and “alarming” and goes on to say, “This underscores the need for us to collaborate with not only our partners in the field, but also businesses, law enforcement, the medical field, and schools to implement proven strategies to prevent youth use of marijuana.”

I would like to point out that, according to the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services publication, New Hampshire State Epidemiological Profile of Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health they provide the number of 12-17 year olds who reported having participated in binge drinking within the past month at 11%, more than had tried cannabis in the same time frame. I would like to point out that this 11% is for those that claimed to have participated in binge drinking. Binge drinking is not only use, but abuse, of alcohol.

Taking a closer look at these two substances, I would like to compare their dangers as well. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the mortality rate linked to alcohol consumption was 15,990 related to alcoholic liver disease and another 25,692 related to alcohol induced deaths — excluding alcohol related accidents and homicides in 2010. There were no deaths at all listed as being caused by cannabis. Not a single one.

The BDAS reports that between 2001 and 2006, between 35% and over 45% of motor vehicle crashes were related to alcohol consumption. While, according to Epidemiologic Reviews, published by Oxford University Publications, “Some studies indicate that marijuana use alone has minimal effect on driving performance, while others report an increased crash risk when combined with other drugs”. (more…)

AKPF Presents: Banned Shire TV Episode

akpf_1xjamesgarretAiring on this MLKjr holiday is a very special edition of the late Shire TV program, guest written, directed, and produced by what would be the future crew of AKPF #1, James Cleaveland and Garret Ean. The two were tasked last year with producing an MLK day episode which would be perhaps the most controversial of the series. After a pre-submission airing by one of the Shire TV’s producers, the program was officially banned and censored from the program’s history and replaced with a soft ending episode 2013_01_andybohannonbadgewhich misdirects the fluidity of the original creation.

For the first time on Cheshire TV, one year from its originally blocked release, audiences can now enjoy the complete and uncut original episode as its driving creative talents intended it be seen. Enjoy the show, and have a delightfully disobedient Martin Luther King Jr day.

NH Governor Maggie Hassan Confronted Over Cannabis Legalization

This morning, I confronted the governor of New Hampshire, Maggie Hassan, over her pledge to veto cannabis legalization. She holds quite the hypocritical position, considering she also supports selling the hardest drug known to man, alcohol. Not only does she support the sales of liquor (as the state is the monopoly liquor seller in NH), she’s also a liquor pusher – having announced recently that the state of NH now has its own official vodka.

Governor Stars in NH Vodka Commercial

maggie_hassantransparent2aAfter introducing their official New Hampshire vodka over the holiday season, the state’s liquor commission has just released a video advertisement for the beverage that represents the executive of our nation’s government. With proceeds from the sales of the hard drug going to repair flags severely damaged by wars, the state has invested generous resources into promoting the vodka, with no less than governor Maggie Hassan herself presenting the drink at press conferences and now, starring in this short commercial for the product. The official New Hampshire state vodka is available at all New Hampshire Wine & Liquor Outlets and has additionally received the endorsement of former governor John Lynch. Rumors have circulated that the beverage was also what filled councilor’s glasses at the central committee inauguration held on New Year’s day in the democratic people’s republic of Keene. Get yours today for only 29.99!


AKPF Revisits Black Sheep Rising Redux

A recent appearance by the crew of AKPF #1 to the Black Sheep Rising dialogue program has been reduxed down to 29 minutes to air in this week’s Aqua Keene timeslot. Check out this insightful episode where we discuss the Robin Hood saga, DPRK, and canines instilled with a fear of cats.