NH Governor Mute on State Police Camera Seizure

New Hampshire governor Maggie Hassan was recently ambush interviewed by Dave Ridley multiple times at the same event as she greeted constituents and took photographs with young people. The topic of the interview was the electronics raid exacted on Garret Ean by state police investigator Joseph DiRusso on June 26, which resulted in a 55 day hassan_picakpf1aconfiscation of the device. When the camera was returned on August 19, it had some minor vandalism scribbled on the underside by unknown agents of the state.

Throughout the entire video, the governor of New Hampshire does not once seem to so much as acknowledge Ridley’s presence. After the chief politician is back in her vehicle, Dave turns his camera to her driver, asking if it’s appropriate for the state’s chief executive to ignore the state’s number two most popular youtube channel. He follows his boss’ lead and 2013_06_26_dirussohandalso gives the journalist nothing but a silently bowed head. Maggie Hassan has also been evasive with independent media in the past, including when the topic of the ambush interview asked the newly-inaugurated Hassan about NH independence.

Darryl W. Perry Responds to the Keene Sentinel’s Questionnaire

Full Name: Darryl W. Perry
Age: 35
Education: Associates in Mass Communications
Occupation: Owner/Managing Editor of Free Press Publications, Author, Radio Personality
Organizations to which you belong / have belonged: LAVA (Founder & Life Member), Ballot Access Fairness Coalition (Founder), Deny Consent (Co-Founder), NH Liberty Party (Co-Founder & Co-Chair), Zero Aggression Project (Associate Founder), Second Amendment Foundation (Life member), Libertarian Party (Life member), Cheshire TV, Downsize DC, Firearms Owners Against Crime, Free State Project
Public/government Service: At-Large Rep to the National Committee of the Boston Tea Party 2008-2010
Chairman of the National Committee of the Boston Tea Party 2010-2012
Co-Chair NH Liberty Party 2012-Present
Board Member, Cheshire TV 2012-Present

1. Why are you running for mayor?
In a State that prides itself on political involvement, it is somewhat ironic that there are so few candidates for local office. I am running to give the voters a choice. On November 5, voters will have two choices for mayor, had I not filed, they would not have had a choice at all.

2. What are the three biggest issues facing city government and what can – and should – the mayor do about them? (more…)

Robin Hooder and AKPF Agent on Free Will

2013_09_19_akpfIf you were fortunate enough to catch all of AKPF #1 special protest edition installment Aqua Kommunity Protest Fountain #1, then you had the opportunity to hear a conversation between merry person Garret and AKPF agent Jane regarding free will and predestination. In addition to the privilege of being exposed to complex philosophical positions, this visual piece also offers a window into the state of Robin Hooding and parking enforcement on July 25 2013, when this footage was captured. There’s plenty that could be said on the topic, considering that the concept of determinism was only briefly broached. Keep eyes out for further analysis to be published here. See the 8 1/2 minute illustrated segment embedded below:

Ensuring Safety at a Suspicionless Checkpoint

Late into the evening of August 31, the New Hampshire state police established a suspicionless checkpoint on Route 12 in Walpole. The location seemed a strange choice, as the area is notably rural and does not see any heavy traffic. Presumably, this was also the first suspicionless checkpoint established in Cheshire county this year. A detail of about ten state police units and just under that amount of cruisers situated themselves in front of a large Citgo station and waited for drivers to ambush. For most, the checkpoint meant shuffling through one’s wallet to find their papers, drowning in a sea of backlighting for about two minutes, occasionally field-testing for sobriety, then being released upon their way.


While it is the position of the state that these sorts of rights-infringing checkpoints promote safety by increasing detection of impaired and possibly reckless drivers, individuals are detained at these checkpoints indiscriminately and during my time at the checkpoint itself, I observed only one car that was permitted to roll through with no detention. Since detentions were not based on suspicion of a driving offense, they essentially violate the fourth amendment of the US constitution as well as liberties enumerated in the New Hampshire constitution, but the framework of a supposedly free people is permitted to be violated so long as a person in a black robe authorizes the indiscriminate stops. Per NH law, the suspicionless checkpoint was announced in advance with a release published in the Keene Sentinel. Knowing that drivers needed additional notice of the checkpoint, activists set up signs warning of the checkpoint ahead and indicating where the final turnoff was to avoid the detention from either approach. (more…)

Aqua Kommunity Protest Fountain #1

2013_08_24_akpf_protestThis week’s episode of AKPF #1 is again interrupted by global conspiracy. Presented this week is Aqua Kommunity Protest Forum, an elegant glance into the differing perspectives and tactics of the community in advancing peace, liberty, truth, and justice. No DPRK officials arrived in capacity nor royal intervention occurred, and although the program formatted for television is limited in its time to 29 minutes, the entire duration of the event from multiple angles is available from Fr33manTVraw.

Ridley Ambushes Random Trooper on Camera Snatch

2013_05_10_dprkThe Ridley Report continues its followup on the case of Garret’s stolen camera. In this installment, Ridley ambush interviews a uniformed state trooper in Concord at the legislative office building. At the end, commentary text reference an incident I had informed Ridley about recently which has not otherwise been reported. You can see video of that August 28 incident and police follow-up on Fr33manTVraw.

You can also see video of Garret speaking before a subcommittee of the DPRK on a recommendation to decriminalize cannabis on the evening of August 28. The Keene Sentinel covered the hearing on Thursday, including quoting speakers. Garret comes in at 4:45. (more…)