Chris Cantwell published a blog post this week in which he made the case that violent revolution is moral, possible, and practical.
To me, Cantwell’s argument comes down to: “Violent revolution is the right thing to do.” Specifically, he advocates for killing in self defense. In other words, killing police that would otherwise be killing you. He argues that peaceful resistance is fruitless because, “ideas require teeth.” He seems to assert, “Why allow our friends to be relegated to the dustbins of history for standing on principle? As long as the State can legitimately kill and cage us, we’ll never have peace or freedom!” (more…)
This week: 5 Gum = Illuminati propaganda • Need to play more Muse • Matthew Bellamy = Freddie Mercury • Bill Hicks = Alex Jones • Why conspiracy theories matter • Government kills agorism • Fire those sucky teachers • Vote week in Keene • School district breakin the law • Spends $23,000 on advertisements • Still more on Keene pedestrians • Anarchy flag = 16 year old delinquents • Rapsher recommends The Sopranos. James and Rapsher join. Show notes at:
Dumb pedestrians in Keene – Voters vs Keene school district: Ongoing lawsuit – Man attacked by moose responds with deadly force – 5 reasons not to tip. Freerock joins. Show notes at:
This week: Stinky perfume – Squeegeeing the babies – Christmas and religion in NH – Vigil for slain ducks – Ostracism in the free state – “Conan take down your anarchy flag” – “Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” – Guberment school: Crime of the century – How long can you last? Rapsher, Katie, and the elusive Mat Roach join the madness. Show notes at:
Why is it that Keene bureaucrats seem so hell-bent on raising property taxes to such an extreme and unsustainable level? Have they simply lost touch with reality? Or are there more sinister intentions behind their meddling? Perhaps rep. Cynthia Chase’s statement, “tomake the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave,” was not only directed at free staters but also at lower income riff raff who cannot afford the tax rate. Eric Freerock joins us to discuss. Show notes at:
This wonderful commemorative Dear Leader’s Day edition of AKPF #1 delves into a number of ancient conspiracy theories and their modern connection, including through Peace Tea. While broadcasting on schedule on Cheshire TV, the episode was compromised on YouTube for copyrotten reasons. Fortunately, LiveLeak stepped in a saved the day, and prior an outlet for human beings around the world to consume AKPF #1, despite state censorship attempts. See the first ever LiveLeak distributed AKPF #1 episode Conspiracies Abound below.