Black Sheep Rising – Episode 04

In this episode, we discuss the Palmer, Mass. win, Rich Paul’s sentencing, Keene’s new city budget and government funded man caves.  Jay Freeville joins us.  I found him a big ole Papa bear chair off the side of the road that was just right.

AKPF #1 – Sentential

soviettank_akpfAnother Monday has arrived, and with it, another spellbinding episode of the most controversial cable access program on Cheshire TV; AKPF is still #1. This week begins with a throwback to the television gold of Wacky Delly, quickly followed up by a special newscast from the DPRK’s official teleprint, Keene Slantinel. Among the other noteworthy happenings in this entry include the ludicrous lemonade and iced tea arrest of rapper X in North Carolina, and a unique submission entitled ‘Illuminati Media Exposed’ produced by youtube’s own Vigilant Christian Mario. Check out the latest and greatest, episode 05 Sentential embedded below:

1. 00:10 Opening Wacky Delly Meets Parking Force
2. 01:36 An official newscast from official Keene Slantinel of DPRK
3. 02:06 Freddie P joins AKPF via chalk removal
4. 04:40 James is indoctrinated in matters of law by Off. Jason Short
5. 06:51 Garret is indoctrinated in matters of law by Off. Fintan Moore
6. 09:38 CC.FPP puppy interlude (Yellow Labradors)
7. 09:42 The Ballistic Engineered BEARCAT Attack Truck arrives from the Lenco
8. 10:59 James C intros ‘Environmentally Friendly’ prequel/followup
9. 12:07 Garret intros X’s Lemonade/Iced Tea arrest with Peace Tea (more…)

Public hearing on Keene’s 2013-14 budget proposal


It’s that time of year again when the great and wise city planners of our lives bring out the new year’s budget.  It of course is an increase from the previous year.  It always is.  It doesn’t matter where you live.  And that is the nature of any successful parasite.  They feed and then subsequently grow larger.  Until either the hosts dies or finds a way to remove the parasite.  Either way the end is often messy and unpleasant.

This year in Keene the city manager, Prince John, has proposed a budget increase of a whopping 3.37% and the wise city planners will most likely swallow that pill without any fight whatsoever.  After all, these people have a plan for a majestic city on the hill and it requires Your money to see it through.  How do they get away with this year after year?  Easy.  No one cares.  At least no one cares until it is too late.  These meetings are painfully boring and ripe with legalese.  The only people who really ever attend these events are the lobbyists seeking handouts from the city.  Out of a population of 23,000 only around 20 people showed up to this event.  6 of them were activists.  This is how they get away with it year after year.

The entire meeting can be seen here.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 03

What do manatees and parking enforcers have in common?  Who almost killed Conan and why?  And what on earth does Shaunna have against dolphins?  Find out in this week’s exciting installment of BSR.


Black Sheep Rising – Episode 02

Does feeding  weed to pigs eventually lead to rampant heroin abuse?  Find out in this week’s riveting episode of Black Sheep Rising.  And we also we talked about other things.

Missed the first two episodes?  Want to peruse the show notes?  Head over to to catch up on your weekly dose of Keene, NH and other stuff.  Both video and audio format are available for your convenience.  Also be sure to visit our Facebook page.