Citizen Cain – 26 – No Investment

Voter fraud in NH? We will never know because AG is ending investigation • Keene city planners insist on more taxpayer funded economic growth • Worker Freedom legislation fails •

Citizen Cain – 23 – One Way Ticket

One-way destination moving truck rentals to Keene on the rise • Is Keene on its way to becoming a retirement/medical hub? • Edgewood residents up in arms over city’s tree cutting plans • Does the NH constitution actually guarantee the right to a public education for every child? •

Citizen Cain – 22 – Wither and Dry

School talk: warrants, budget, & labor contracts • “Do you even have any kids in this school?” • Why do progressives hate the voucher system so much • Right to work coming to NH •

Citizen Cain – 21 – More Cursive!

Feds say no to painting a thin blue line. Will Keene comply? • NH bills: Russian vodka ban, Rolling back the smoking ban, School districts to clarify their annual Default Budgets • more School stuff • Keene considers new art policy •