AKPF #1: Islemon State



akpfvan_sfkmountainsaynrandThis remarkable installment of the AKPF #1 series, Islemon State, offers a creative new way to view rapidly developing modern history as we see the rise of new and old cultural tendencies across the globe. Featuring specially illustrated footage sourced everywhere from the Islamic State held territories to Ferguson, Missouri. Stay tuned for a special closing segment featuring small, fluffy baby bunnies.

AKPF #1: Magic Mountains

In this creative installment of AKPF #1, Magic Mountains, viewers are treated to lush scenery and engaging verbal information from the annual Vermont Freedom and Unity Festival, held this year on Saturday August 16, 2014. Included in this special episode is a sneak peak at the upcoming Cheshire TV program, Amish’s Outdoor Aventures, hosted by Amish Paul and featuring nature journeys in all variety of colorful places, weather conditions, and mental states.

Robin Hood Attorney’s Supreme Court Filing

Attorney Jon MeyerIn addition to the NH ACLU filing an amicus brief in the Robin Hood case, Robin Hooders’ free-speech attorney Jon Meyer has also filed his brief in the case. As always, the award-winning attorney excoriates and embarrasses the “city’s” outrageous, dangerous, and illegal positions and demands.

In it, he argues that government workers, including parking enforcers, have no right to be left alone:

Plaintiff’s assertion of a public employee right to be left alone has no legal basis, particularly as applied to political speech on public sidewalks, and does not trump the right of protestors to express their message at close range or from afar.

The demands of the “City” are so dangerous, Meyer argues it’s critical the court reject them: (more…)

NH ACLU Files Amicus Brief for Robin Hooders in Supreme Court Case

NH ACLUThe NH ACLU has filed their 42-page amicus in the Robin Hood NH supreme court case.

The NH ACLU’s attorney, Anthony J. Galdieri argues  that the city has no case when they claim Robin Hooders have engaged in “tortious interference”:

In the context of non-violent protests aimed at influencing societal or governmental change, tortious speech is only actionable if it amounts to violent or unlawful conduct.  See Claiborne
Hardware Co., 458 U.S. at 917-18 (holding in context of protest that the state may impose
damages only for violent or unlawful conduct, not for non-violent protected activity, even if
that non-violent protected activity causes economic harm).

The NH ACLU also affirms that the city’s proposed restrictions on Robin Hooders are unconstitutional, including a “buffer zone” where speaking to the meter maids would be prohibited, as would be recording them.  The  proposed restrictions are clear violations of NH Constitution article 8 and 22, which protect the right of people to access a responsive government and protect free speech.

Nor should the city be allowed to handle the Robin Hooders through the courts, says the ACLU: (more…)

Old ‘Boy’ Threatens, Chases Chalking Activist

“You takin’ my photo…boy?” asserted an upset man who arrived on Central Square yesterday afternoon and proceeded to utter profanities at several individual chalkers while in the presence of small children. angryman_keenenh_2014_07_25Arriving once to futilely smudge chalkings with his feet, the man left to return several minutes later to try further smudging before threatening and chasing a videographer. During his activity, he even blurted out egotistically, “My sidewalk!” What would inspire someone to behave so entitled and unneighborly?

What is surprising about this encounter is that visually, this man does not appear to represent the dregs of society. He was dressed reasonably well, despite his ugly behavior and (more…)

AKPF #1: Courtinuance

With the exciting double parking ticket trial of AKPF #1 co-producer Garret Ean last week, the audience is treated in this episodeakpf_trial_2014_07_18 to the complete and illustrated footage of the court hearing featuring infamous faces of the Keene criminal justice system. Judge Edward Burke hears the case brought forward by KPD prosecutor Jean Kilham, with AKPF agent Jane called upon as the sole witness. In this inquiry, we see how eager to object to anything and everything that the state’s representative is, and Burke also plays a significant role in tipping the hand of the defense on lines of questioning. Ultimately, most arguments are not permitted to be made, and the disproportionate fine of five dollars per offense is levied, though compensated partially in Obamacoin.