AKPF #1: Checkmark Charliepoint

This week’s installment of AKPF #1 is entitled Checkmark Charliepoint and features footage from on the ground in Manchester, New Hampshire on the evening of a controversial police traffic control checkpoint. ALso featured are the latest updates from the Shire Dude series and news from Derrick J, Rich Paul, and Dave Ridley.

0:00 Cheshire TV warning disclaimer
0:10 Obamacoin southbound on I-93 in Hooksett take em to the bank
1:22 DFW DUI checkpoint in Manchester inquisition
4:49 All the people holding signs
5:50 Decending into the checkpoint charlie
6:55 Captain Hopkins at your protect and service
11:48 Heading back on foot
16:20 Shire Dude episode post-doge 03
21:16 Derrick J interviews Rich Paul after his release from jail after 36 days for alleged violation of probation
24:31 Ridley analyzes the camera seizing activities of police in Cheshire County, Keene, New Hampshire’s North Korea DPRK
28:50 End credits disclaimers

PorcFest Rising 2014

Cold showers and clogged toilets, Neanderthal heads, ObamaCoin, meow-worms and the biggest, gayest dance party ever.  Join us this week as we discuss all things Porcfest 2014.  Darryl, Garret, James, and Dianna join.  Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Sentinel Front Page Feature on National Media Generated Due to Free Keene

Keene SentinelThe New York Times article that so many thought was “bad” continues to spawn new coverage!  This past Monday the Keene Sentinel ran a front page feature piece on the flurry of news stories focusing on Keene liberty activism and Free Keene. Thanks to reporter Ella Nilsen for the story:


It’s been more than a year since the city of Keene and a local group of activists first fought over downtown parking meters, yet the story lives on.


The saga of the activists, dubbed “Robin Hooders,” has played out in the national media on “Good Morning America,” the Huffington Post, and, most recently, the front page of The New York Times. In a few weeks, Robin Hooding and a more recent dispute over chalking will be highlighted on the Comedy Central show “The Colbert Report.” (more…)

City Files Robin Hood Appeal Brief, NH Municipal Assn Files Amicus

Bauer_JokerIn late 2013, the people calling themselves the “City of Keene” filed an appeal with the NH supreme court after they lost the Robin Hood cases. Now, six months later, (the wheels of ‘justice’ move slowly) the city’s expensive private attorneys have filed their brief, an appendix, and the NH Municipal Association has weighed in with an “amicus curiae“.

The NHMA, a group that represents the big-government interests of the various cities and towns in New Hampshire, argues in their 16-page amicus that the superior court erred by dismissing the cases against the Robin Hooders. They say the court did not weigh the “significant governmental interest” in parking enforcement against the right to free speech. In addition, they claim the bureaucrats should be protected from speech they don’t wish to hear and that “reasonable” restrictions can be placed on your free speech, to protect the government agents precious’ ears and egos.

The brief by attorney Charles Bauer filed on behalf of the city is 49 pages and argues that Robin Hooders’ conduct is not protected speech and that their employees will suffer “irreparable harm” if Robin Hooding is allowed to continue. The filing includes basically the same arguments made at superior court, just in appeal form.

The appendix filed by Bauer is 61 pages and contains several filings from the superior court case, for the supreme court’s review.

AKPF #1: Ordinance Artistic

In this artistic, relaxing installment of AKPF #1, the audience is treated to imagery and nature sounds to fill out the twenty-nine minutes of airtime. Learn about recent celebrations in Robin Hood park, sign waves alongside the county corrections institution, and home chalking in suburban Keene.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 56

Tired of chalking yet?  Too bad.  The war continues.  We break down the madness from every angle • Rebels or Empire? • Keene city budget public hearing • Pumpkin fest lobbyists • What the hell is tax increment financing? • Doom movie review • James and Garret join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org