With this week’s timeslot for the AKPF #1 program hijacked by opposition forces, themountains_06sfk1 Cheshire TV audience is subjected currently to a dissenting video production known as The STOP FREE KEENE!!! Show. Featuring some new content and a variety of older Free Keene and assorted videos with disclaimers and warnings attached, this new show marks new territory for the opposition to Free Keene group and the affiliated co-chapter, Monadnock Community Coalition Corporation.

You paid for ’em. Here are the Robin Hood court transcripts.

RobinHood_sheriffAs you know, the people calling themselves “the City of Keene” are appealing their loss in the Robin Hood case to the NH Supreme Court. In order to appeal a case, the appellant must pay a ridiculous amount of money for a transcript of the case being appealed. In order to get three nearly full days of the Robin Hood hearings’ transcripts, the city folks spent $2,200 of your money. (That’s after city boss John MacLean admitted they’ve spent over $20,000 on the initial case.)

Apparently there are several errors with the transcripts (like when Pete said “decentralized” in his testimony, the transcriber wrote that as “centralized”). Would you like a copy? You paid for it, so here you are:

  1. Robin Hood “Evidentiary Hearing” Day One of Three
  2. Robin Hood “Evidentiary Hearing” Day Two of Three
  3. Robin Hood “Evidentiary Hearing” Day Three of Three


Local Man Threatens Garret, Blocks Parking Meters

A local heckler, allegedly named George Parkhurst, decided to get into it with Robin Hooder Garret Ean this week. In this RAW video, Parkhurst threatens Garret, insults him, and blocks both Jane the parking enforcer and Garret from doing their jobs by covering up the parking meters. According to Garret, Jane called Keene police on Parkhurst on her own volition.

Here’s the ridiculous and amusing video (1/2):


The OverShare Show, an NH Ladies Podcast, Interviews FSP President

Gericke_Carla2008[1]Carla Gericke, the President of the Free State Project, is interviewed for an hour on “OverShare Show“, “A podcast and blog dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and TMI (too much information)” regarding Free Keene, Robin Hooding, and the Free State Project.

You can download their interview of Carla here! Thanks to OverShare Show host Toni Nagy for the heads-up on the episode.

CBS News’ National Report on Free Keene

Thanks to CBS News for this report on Free Keene and Robin Hooding that they aired nationally last night. The news package features the “parking czar” claiming that parking meters are good for business, a claim with which multiple downtown business owners disagree. Sadly, CBS did not talk to any of the dozens of business owners who are upset. Here’s the report from CBS:

Also, congratulations to James Cleaveland for being the new leader of Free Keene!

Stop Free Keene, the Yin to Free Keene’s Yang

Here is the letter-to-the-editor I sent into the Sentinel which was published last Sunday.yinyang[1]
I am still interested in discussing any concerns anyone has.

Letter Below:

You may have heard about the “Stop Free Keene” group. I see this development as positive, since I believe that if someone has concerns with other people’s actions, they should let others know, a principle that Free Keene shares.

Unfortunately, my admiration for the group is offset by the rhetoric I’ve seen from the group. Often, many comments on their Facebook group are negative. They often resort to name calling, personal attacks and even advocating for violence toward bloggers of Free Keene. I’m fine with someone disagreeing and calling names, but it’s not OK to think violence is acceptable.

One Stop Free Keene member posted a picture of a Free Keene blogger with a laser dot illuminated on his head and torso. Under this picture was a rifle with a laser aiming device attached. Stop Free Keene deleted the post, but the Stop Free Keene member who posted the picture is still in the group and no public announcement was made denouncing the person or his post.Many Stop Free Keene members wear Emerson Towing hoodies. In this video,, an employee of Emerson can be seen threatening a former Free Keene blogger. Many Stop Free Keene members stated they support this behavior. Other Stop Free Keene members have also made threats and are still in the group. Conversely, a Free Keene blogger was removed over concerns that he may
not be a peaceful individual because of allegations regarding his language.
